My Rock – Parshat Ha’azinu 5777

In times of trouble we often hear people talk about their “rock,” that person who stood by them as they weathered the storm that was upon them. It could have been any number of qualities that were helpful in that time of need. Your rock might have been someone who didn’t falter, was always positive, or always open-armed. It could have been someone who could simply listen to you vent about a crazy problem, or someone who was always at the other end of the phone no matter what time of day it was. A “rock” can vary from situation to situation, but ultimately it’s a phrase used to describe someone firm, strong, and solid.

We also refer to God as a rock throughout our liturgy. On Hanukkah we sing “Ma Oz Tzur” (“Rock of Ages”) and daily at the end of the Amidah we share in Yihiyu L’ratzon, “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You, God, my rock and redeemer.”

This week we read parshat Ha’azinu, Moshe’s final poem to the Israelite people. In it, he reminds the people of God’s grace, compassion, and loving leadership, while at the same time criticizing the Israelites for their lack of faith and understanding. In this poem we read, “Remember the days of old, Consider the years of ages past; Ask your father, he will inform you, Your elders, they will tell you.” As Moshe is moving toward his final farewell to the people, he implores them to ask their elders to clarify laws and to share their stories.

Specifically, there is this line: “For their rock is not like our rock, In our enemies’ own estimation.” The God of Israel is unfailingly supportive and reliable, while, according to this verse, the pagan gods are incapable of that type of solid, steadfast strength and dependability. Our God is responsive, caring, creating a world in which the good outweighs the evil. God is our rock.

The point of this sentiment, and in a certain way the entirety of the Torah, is that when all else fails, when there is no one to listen or to hold you up, there is God. When you find yourself struggling to move forward or needing something to hold onto, there is God. As we continue through the final days of this period of heightened joy and introspection, may we give acknowledgement and thanks to all the “rocks” in our lives. We are stronger because of them.

-Rabbi Eve Posen

Source: My Rock – Parshat Ha’azinu 5777 – Rabbi Eve Posen