Seeds of Change – Parshat Behar 5776

When we talk about “planting the seeds of change” or “reaping what you sow,” we’re not merely speaking in metaphors. Certainly there are examples of nature and agricultural symbolism throughout our sacred texts, but this week we learn that the laws of the land (the literal land) are directly related to how we establish a just and equitable society.

I Got a Name – Parshat Emor 5776

People ask me why I chose to keep my maiden name when I married Duncan. There are a few reasons. First, I was already making a name for myself as a Jewish educator, and I didn’t want to lose that name recognition. Second, my sister and I are the only grandchildren on my father’s side; thus, with us the Posen name ends.

Posen’s Law – Parshat Kedoshim 5776

I am not what you might call a “scientific” person. (Shocking, I know.) Numbers, equations, and elements have never really been my strong suit. I had a difficult time getting through every one of the high school science classes I was required to take because my mind simply does not click that way.