Event Calendar

Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Bima, Broadway, and Beyond: A Musical Evening with Cantor Eyal Bitton and special guest, Michèle Tredger

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza! - Fridays, 6:15pm Please join Rabbi Kosak and Cantor Bitton tonight for an extra special Kabbalat Shabbat. Following services Cantor Bitton and Michèle Tredger will be indulging us with songs from Broadway and Beyond as we bring in Shabbat together. In the event of bad weather, we will be moving indoors and will communicate this via email. If we do move indoors, please note that masks are required and the ... Read More

In Person Shabbat Morning Service

Event Series In Person Shabbat Morning Service
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

We are very excited to continue to have in-person Shabbat morning services in the main sanctuary!! Please take note of the updates to our vaccination policy: All visitors eligible to be vaccinated are required to be vaccinated. Only come if you are feeling healthy and remember to bring your own kippah and tallit. Masking is optional and highly encouraged We are looking forward to continuing this process of fully welcoming back our in-person community to ... Read More

Tot Shabbat followed by YAFE Shabbat Program for 3rd-5th graders

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Saturday,10:15am on the Holzman Plaza Join us in-person this Saturday. We will be gathering outside on Holzman Plaza at 10:15am. Come and greet Shabbos Mouse, have a physically distanced Torah parade and all the usual Shabbat fun! We look forward to seeing you and your kiddos in person!! Saturday, 11:10am on the Holzman Plaza Our newest staff member, Josh Seldner, our Youth and Family Engagement Associate will lead our kiddos in some games and Shabbat ... Read More

YAFE Ice Cream and Games

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Sunday, August 22, 3-5pm at CNS To all of our 3rd - 5th graders come join us for games, snacks, and making ice cream!! Josh Seldner our new YAFE associate will be leading this wonderful event and cannot wait to see you!! Please register here if you plan on joining us.

Offsite CNS Family Sukkah gatherings

Thursday, September 23 - Offsite in small groups at a CNS family’s sukkah Do you have a sukkah at your home? Would you be willing to invite 3 CNS families to join you in your sukkah this year to build connection and belonging in our community? Would you like to attend a meal in another CNS family’s sukkah? Are you open to feeling the magic that comes from sharing a meal together during Jewish holidays? ... Read More

The 5 Books of Moses and You: Weekly Discussion of Torah Portion with Rabbi Eve Posen

Virtual Event

Mondays, 12:00-1:00pm Come learn and discuss central themes of each parshah and how they relate to our lives today. Then, take the week and capture the themes in your own way be it photography, song, written word, TikTok, art, or any other way you can imagine it. We’ll start each session sharing what we’ve created and moving to the next part of the narrative. Perhaps we’ll even create a collection of Torah as told by ... Read More

Exercise with Coach Glen Coblens

Event Series Exercise with Coach Glen Coblens
Virtual Event

Coach Glen Coblens is pleased to offer a dynamic and fun 60-minute, online Zoom workout for all. Guaranteed to be a stress reducer and energy builder. No previous athletic ability required. Focus will be on building core strength. Come one, come all. You will need: some place to lie down (e.g. yoga mat, towel on a carpeted surface), water and a positive attitude. Bosu ball optional. Click here to join.

CNS Community Sukkah

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Sunday, September 26, 5:00-7:00pm - CNS Community Sukkah Please join your Neveh Shalom community for schmoozing and drinks in our community sukkah on the Holzman Plaza. Registration details to come.

Sisterhood Board Meeting

Event Series Sisterhood Board Meeting
Virtual Event

All Sisterhood members and those interested in becoming a member are encouraged to join in the monthly board meeting. If you have any questions or items to be added to the agenda, please contact Michelle Iimori -Goldenberg at smallfryeterp@icloud.com. To join at the appropriate time and date click here. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6199580469?pwd=dWxwTDhEL0x0cHdKNnBEelB1TkptUT09 Meeting ID: 619 958 0469 Passcode: sisterhood

Cancelled for August – In Person Family Shabbat with Rabbi Eve

Virtual Event

THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED FOR AUGUST     4th Friday, 5:15pm on the lower courtyard Please come and join Rabbi Eve for our first in-person family shabbat service! We are so excited to get our Shoreshim and Anafim families back together! Services will be followed by a picnic pizza dinner and beverages for all! Please remember masks are highly encouraged but optional outdoors. Bring your own picnic blanket and join us for some family fun! ... Read More

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza!

Event Series Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza!
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza! - Fridays, 6:15pm Please join us this Friday for our in-person Kabbalat Shabbat held outside on the Holzman Plaza. We are so excited and pleased to return to “in person” services. There will be an Oneg Shabbat following services – Enjoy a nosh, drink, and schmooze with one another. Shabbat on the Plaza will continue over the summer through Labor Day!! In the event of bad weather, we will be ... Read More

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza!

Event Series Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza!
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Plaza! - Fridays, 6:15pm Please join us this Friday for our in-person Kabbalat Shabbat held outside on the Holzman Plaza. We are so excited and pleased to return to “in person” services. There will be an Oneg Shabbat following services – Enjoy a nosh, drink, and schmooze with one another. Shabbat on the Plaza will continue over the summer through Labor Day!! In the event of bad weather, we will be ... Read More