Please note that registration for in-person services is now closed. You are still able to register for online services to receive the link by clicking the registration button and filling out the form.

Shanah Tovah!
High Holy Days Return and Renewal…
Rosh Hashanah. A new year, a new start, a new path forward together. We can’t wait to welcome you back to Neveh Shalom as we return, reconnect, and engage again as a Kehillah!
We recognize that this year is a “different kind of return,” as we all navigate the way to congregate that feels comfortable, whether indoors or outdoors, in person or online, in smaller groups, or with our larger community. The important thing is to bring your authentic self and participate in our High Holy Day experience in the way that feels right to you.
We hope that you find what you need on these Days of Awe, as we strive to become our best selves and strengthen our connections to one another. Our aim is to provide inclusive, authentic, and engaging experiences for all of our congregants, and we can’t wait to see you and reconnect with you!
Michelle Caplan, Director of Congregant Connections
Leah Conley, Director of Engagement & Innovation
Neveh Shalom is an open and egalitarian community. Our services are led by Rabbi David Kosak, Rabbi Eve Posen, Cantor Eyal Bitton, Ilene Safyan, and Natan Meir, along with lay leaders. We welcome all to experience the New Year with Neveh Shalom.
Note that our HHD experience will be a mix of online and in-person opportunities. Please explore this webpage or utilize our High Holy Days booklet for more information.

Joining Us Online
This year, congregants can have a full HHD experience in-person at Neveh Shalom, online, or a combination of both.
Unlike last year, when all services were virtual and in some cases pre-recorded, this year we have choices that meet the needs of congregants who want to gather in-person or join in from home. If you are participating online for health and safety reasons or as a result of space limitations in our building, there are multiple options for viewing or participating in online services and learning throughout our Days of Awe.
Be sure to register, and you will receive an email with all of the online options and how to log in.

Service Schedule
This year we are joining the national Selichot program of learning, taught by rabbis and leaders from around the country. Click here to join.
4:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Young Family Service Drive-In, CNS Parking Lot
5:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service, Holzman Plaza & Livestream
8:30am Combined Pesukei and Shacharit, Holzman Plaza & Livestream
8:45am Combined Pesukei and Shacharit, Zoom
9:15am Young Family Rosh Hashanah Online Service, Zoom
9:30am Rosh Hashanah Service – Rabbi Posen & Ilene Safyan, Zoom
9:30am Rosh Hashanah Service – Rabbi Kosak & Cantor Bitton, Holzman Plaza & Livestream
12:00pm Grade K-6 Family Online Service, Zoom
1:00pm Outdoor Shofar Sounding, Holzman Plaza
7:00pm Tashlich & Ma’ariv, Outdoors at CNS
9:15am Young Family Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Online Service, Zoom
9:30am RH 2nd Day Service (Lay-led with clergy support), Holzman Plaza & Zoom
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Learning Experiences, Zoom
- 10:30am Rabbi David Kosak Creating an Integrated Life: Jewish Texts on Wellness
- 11:30am Mel Berwin Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li? If I’m not for myself, who am I?
- 12:30pm Amy Katz Gender in Sacred Jewish Literature
4:15-6:00pm Shanah: A Family Rosh Hashanah Experience, Drive-Thru
Neveh Zedek 9:30-10:00am | Ahavai Shalom 10:30-11:30am
5:00pm Kol Nidre Family Service, Zoom
6:30pm Kol Nidre Service – Rabbi Kosak & Cantor Bitton, Holzman Plaza & Livestream
6:30pm Kol Nidre Service – Rabbi Posen & Natan Meir, Zoom
8:30am Shacharit, Holzman Plaza and Livestream
8:45am Combined Pesukei and Shacharit, Zoom
9:15am Young Family (age 0-5) Online Service, Zoom
9:30am Yom Kippur Service – Rabbi Posen & Ilene Safyan, Zoom
9:30am Yom Kippur Service – Rabbi Kosak and Cantor Bitton, Holzman Plaza and Livestream
10:15am Grade K-6 Online Family Service, Zoom
11:45am Entering the Holy of Holies: Storytelling & the High Priest, Zoom
12:15am Learning Opportunity with Rabbi Isaak, Zoom
12:30pm Grade K-6 Family Service, Holzman Plaza
2:00pm Learning Time Discussion, Holzman Plaza
3:15pm Minchah Service, Holzman Plaza and Livestream
6:45pm Neilah – Rabbi Kosak & Cantor Bitton, Zoom
6:45pm Neilah – Rabbi Posen & Natan Meir, Holzman Plaza and Livestream
Family Services & Events
Note that all family in-person services have been shifted from their current format. Please see the schedule for details.
We have a full and exciting range of family services and programs this year. Through the direction and leadership of Rabbi Eve Posen, Morah Leah Conley, and Mel Berwin – along with our Kiddush Club/ALIYAH teachers Gershon Liberman, Deb Freedberg, and Sarah Rohr – our kids, teens, and parents will be engaged in age-appropriate ways that are open to everyone.
Please note that we are not offering childcare or a game room this year. Because of capacity limits and health concerns in our sanctuaries and program spaces, children must be supervised and accompanied by an adult at all times.

Mahzor Lev Shalem – High Holy Day Prayer Books
While it is too late to purchase or borrow a physical copy, you can still purchase a digital copy of the book at the link below.
Order Digital Edition
Mahzor Lev Shalem will be available as a digital publication via Issuu, a digital publishing platform that preserves the appearance and pagination of the printed book. Users can access the digital mahzor on their computers or via the free Issuu app for mobile and tablet.
Cost: $5.99. Click here to purchase.

Special High Holy Days 5782 Activities
Please note: While we have made all attempts to be as accurate with the information as possible, there are still so many unknowns and variables that some information may change over time. Some of this information will be adjusted, changed, cancelled, etc. based on direction from our Executive Committee and state recommendations. Please regularly visit this website and check your emails for the latest information.

Hear the Shofar During the Month of Elul
Mondays & Thursdays, August 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30 & September 2
The month of Elul began on August 9. It is traditional to come daily for Morning Minyan in preparation for the High Holy Days and hear the shofar being blown. In order for it to be a “kosher” hearing, you will need to hear it in person. It will be blown on Mondays & Thursdays at shul during Elul. If you are interested in blowing the shofar during this month, please contact Priscilla Kostiner at: To join Morning Minyan, please visit

RA Community Selichot
Saturday, August 28, 5:30-10:00pm
This year, we are once again pleased to join with Conservative movement congregations for a national Selichot program of learning, taught by rabbis and leaders from around the country. Click here to join.

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Learning Experiences
Wednesday, September 8 – Zoom
10:30am: Creating an Integrated Life: Jewish Texts on Wellness
Rabbi David Kosak
In this session, Rav D will explore some of the themes he discussed in his Rosh Hashanah Day One sermon. Together we will look at Jewish texts that can guide us in generating more complete lives for ourselves.
11:30am: Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li? If I’m not for myself, who am I?
Mel Berwin
During the Days of Awe, we reflect on how to get closer to our authentic selves. In this short verse from Pirkei Avot, we are challenged to consider how we identify ourselves and stand up for ourselves in a complicated world, and how we support others in being their best unique selves as well. Join me for a dive into text and conversation on these themes.
12:30pm: Gender in Sacred Jewish Literature
Amy Katz
One of the themes of the high holidays is introspection. In order for us to work towards being the best versions of ourselves, we must understand who we are. For many, this includes an understanding or perhaps a reckoning with the idea of gender identity. Many think that gender fluidity is a new concept, but this session will teach that in our sacred texts the concept of gender has never been simple or binary. We’ll consider texts starting with the first human, and the implications these ancient texts have on our understanding of gender today.

Shanah: A Whole Family 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Exploration – Drive-thru
Wednesday, September 8, 4:15-6:15pm | FREE
For families with kids ages 0-12. Join us on the 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah as we celebrate the Birthday of the World with this drive-thru event. Each family will be driving through the parking lot, stopping at various stations along the way to hear the shofar blow, sing songs, and pick up fresh-pressed apple cider. Click here to register.

Kever Avot Graveside Visit
Sunday, September 12, Neveh Zedek: 9:30am | Ahavai Shalom 10:30am
Just like most things this year, Kever Avot will also look a bit different. Due to the pandemic there will not be chapel services at the cemeteries. Rather, people are invited to stand by the gravesite of your loved one at the appropriate time and clergy will join you individually to recite graveside prayers.

Back to Shul 2021
Sunday, September 12 | In-Person, Holzman Plaza
12:00-1:00pm Families with Children ages 0-12 and ALIYAH K-6 Meet & Greet
1:00-2:00pm All Congregants
Let’s celebrate! In the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, let us gather as a kehillah/ community for some music, food, and fun! Please RSVP so we can know how many people are coming:

Special Yom Kippur Storytelling Experience
Thursday, September, 16 – Stampfer Chapel & Online Viewing
11:45am: Entering the Holy of Holies: Storytelling and the High Priest
Brian Rohr
Jewish storyteller Brian Rohr shares a dramatic story about the High Priest who, on this day of Yom Kippur only, entered the Holy of Holies, to stand before YHVH on behalf of the people. Brian’s story, suitable for teens and adults, will set intention as we enter our own individual “holy of holies” on this most sacred of days.

Sukkot Happenings
September 20-26
Sukkot is a very special and sacred time for all of us. It is generally a time when we gather together as a community and with friends for food, prayer, study, conversation, and fun. This year, like last, will be different as we continue to pivot. The clergy, Executive Committee, and staff are working to bring as much of the ruach/spirit of this sacred holiday to our kehillah.
Sunday, September 26, 5:00-7:00pm – CNS Community Sukkah
Please join your Neveh Shalom community for schmoozing and drinks in our community sukkah on the Holzman Plaza. Registration details to come.
6:15pm Erev Sukkot Service
9:30am Sukkot Services
7:00am Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service
7:00am Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service
6:15pm Friday Evening Festival Shabbat Service
9:30am Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service
9:00am Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service
7:00am Hoshana Rabah Service

Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
Tuesday, September 28
Normally during this holiday in between Sukkot and Simchat Torah, we gather and engage in ancient rituals willow branches. We anticipate being able to observe these rituals in-person. Please stay tuned.
9:30am Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service

Simchat Torah Morning Service and Celebration
September 28-29
Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of our Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. This year, in addition to pandemic appropriate celebrations, we will be dedicating our new Torah mantles in an act of renewal. Please stay tuned.
Time TBA Erev Simchat Torah Celebration
9:30am Simchat Torah Morning Service
As you have read throughout this booklet, there are multiple ways to participate during this year’s High Holy Days: inside, outside, and online. If you are coming to the building for in-person services, here is our current policy.
Only come to the CNS building if you are feeling healthy. Do not come to CNS if you’re feeling ill and for sure, do not come to CNS if you have COVID – including being asymptomatic.
All congregants, guests, and visitors who are eligible to be vaccinated and will be in the building for more than 15 minutes are expected to be vaccinated. Children under the age of 12 and those not eligible for vaccination are welcome to attend services/programs in the building.
Masking While at CNS
All congregants, guests, and staff are required to wear appropriate and correctly fitted (covering nose and mouth) facemasks in all public indoor and outdoor spaces at CNS (face shields are not acceptable).
CNS expects members, guests, and staff to adhere to this masking policy while on campus to protect the vulnerable and unvaccinated among us, including children. Those not adhering to the policy will be asked to put on an appropriate mask; if that individual refuses, they are subject to removal from the CNS premises.
Physical (Social) Distancing
CNS continues to provide for physical distancing in seating/room set-ups for services, education, and programming. While there are no “state-mandated” capacity limits, each CNS space does have a capacity limit which will be reduced in order to provide for physical distancing.