Happy Purim!
We hope you will join us for one or more of our wonderful Purim happenings!

Purim is a holiday marked by merriment, giving to others, costumes and fun; all of which are elevated by the festive feel of being in community.
Let’s celebrate together the holiday of Purim at this moment in time as we mark Vashti’s boldness, Esther’s bravery, Mordechai’s defiance, Achashverosh’s leadership, and Haman’s failure.
We look forward to seeing you!
-Clergy, leadership, and staff of Neveh Shalom

Young Family Purim Drive-In (Ages 0-PreK)
Sunday, March 13, 10:45-11:15am
Young families, put on your costumes, summon your Purim ruach (spirit), and park yourself in the Neveh Shalom parking lot for an outdoor gathering of special Purim fun with Rabbi Eve and Morah Leah Conley. Featuring Purim songs, a costume show-and-tell, and awesome activities.

ALIYAH K-6 Purim Program
Sunday, March 13, 9:00am-12:00pm
ALIYAH families, please be on the lookout in the ALIYAH eblast for more information about this event.

Gift Shop Pop-Up
Sunday, March 13, 10:45-1:00 pm
Be sure to also look for the Gloria Bacharach Judaica Shop pop-up store on the sidewalk between Birnbach Hall and the Lower parking area. We look forward to seeing you there.

Tichon Teen Purim Program
Wednesday, March 16, 6:30-8:30pm
Tichon families, please be on the lookout in the Tichon eblast for more information about this event.

CNS Purim Program w/ Selections Read from the Megillah
Wednesday, March 16, 7:00-8:30pm (Zoom)
Join together as a community on Zoom as we celebrate Purim together with our evening service, reading the story, and entertaining with songs and play. Costumes welcomed, and treats encouraged! Don’t miss it!

Purim Morning Minyan with Megillah Reading
Thursday, March 17, 7:00am, in person in the Stampfer Chapel and on Zoom
Join Morning Minyan for our Purim service with Megillah reading. Join us either in person or online.
Here is the login: https://zoom.us/j/774655517
Password: Neveh

Send a Purim Package to Your College Kid
Sign-up by Thursday, March 10
College Outreach serves to keep our post-high school students feeling remembered and connected to their congregational home – even more important today as we continue to navigate this pandemic. We will be sending Purim packages to our college kids next week.
Please let us know by Thursday, March 10 if you would like your college student to receive a package. Please fill out one form for each participant. Address labels will be printed directly according to your entry. PLEASE check all spelling, addresses, etc!
If you have questions, please e-mail mcaplan@nevehshalom.org.
The 4 Mitzvot of Purim
Megillah: On Purim, the Megillah is read aloud in synagogues all over the world – and this is one time when no one is discouraged from making noise during the service! In fact, listeners shake their groggers (Yiddish for “noisemakers”) every time they hear the name of the villain of the story, Haman. This tradition is passed down L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, as a means of remembering the lessons learned from persecution and celebrating the fact that our Kehillah, our community, has continued to thrive through today. You can find different English interpretations of the megillah online and be sure to join our community for the reading on Purim!
Mishlo’ach Manot: The second mitzvah is sending gifts, or mishlo’ach manot which is Hebrew for “sending food,” usually in the form of Purim gift baskets. Gifts of food to friends and colleagues ensure that everyone has the means to be happy, further foiling the evil plans of Haman. Sending gifts to our friends is a beautiful way to celebrate K’lal, the value of inclusivity, making sure every person feels the joy of Purim and of being included in the Kehillah, community.
Se’udat Purim: In addition to the purim spiel, (the playful part of Purim), which usually includes telling the story, a costume parade, and baking or eating hamantaschen, many families also enjoy the Se’udah, or the Purim feast. This commandment is to “eat, drink, and be merry.” This mitzvah is the hardest to maintain this year because it is so difficult to safely gather in Kehillah (community). As a people we have had to constantly grow and innovate, create chiddush, or new ways of celebrating. We invite you to think of one creative way you can have a Purim feast this year and share it with us!
Matanot L’evyonim: Directly giving to those experiencing poverty, matanot l’evyonim, is the fourth mitzvah. Giving to others, especially on Purim, ensures that everyone in our kehillah (community) has the means to celebrate during the holiday and honors Esther and Mordechai’s legacy of saving the Jewish people. Fulfilling the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim can be as simple as dropping coins into a tzedakah box or making donations of food or clothing to a local pantry or shelter.