Words and Music for the Heart & Soul
“The musical programs I’ve developed are designed to foster a sense of belonging to our synagogue, our community, our people, and our heritage.” – Cantor Eyal Bitton
Cantor Bitton’s programs are designed for congregants to connect to t’filah and to a sense of belonging to one’s synagogue, one’s community, one’s people, and one’s heritage. Below is a sampling of some of the programs we hosted or have planned to host.
Shabbat Services
SHIR! A Musical Shabbat
Select Fridays, 6:15pm
Immerse yourself in the musical ruach of Kabbalat Shabbat and make it a truly uplifting experience. With Cantor Eyal Bitton, the Koleinu Choir and the SHIR! Musical Ensemble.
Musical Talks
Les Miz’s Jewish Composer
In this fascinating and entertaining presentation featuring live musical performances and in-depth analysis, Cantor Eyal Bitton explores the musical genius of Claude-Michel Schönberg, composer of Miss Saigon and Les Misérables.
SOUL: Songs Of Unity & Liberation
Cantor Eyal Bitton is joined by a string quartet and the Koleinu Choir in this pre-Passover concert.
L’Chayim Hollywood!
A Concert of Jewish Music from the Big Screen
Timeless musical treasures from some of our favorite movies with Cantor Eyal Bitton, Michèle Tredger, the Koleinu Choir, and the CNS Concert Band.
Koleinu Choir
Koleinu, our synagogue choir, has a rich history in Neveh Shalom. We have a wide range of singers with varied backgrounds and levels of expertise. We are guided by Cantor Eyal Bitton, Choral Director Becca Stuhlbarg and accompanist Barry Lavine. If you are moved spiritually by the power of music, or if you just want to sing with a small havurah, please consider visiting a rehearsal. There is no formal audition, but you will be asked to meet with our Choral Director before you become a Koleinu member. Koleinu meets Monday evenings from 7:15 to 8:45pm in Stampfer Chapel. Contact: Joni Cady: joni.cady@gmail.com, 503.539.4797. Choral Director: Becca Stuhlbarg: writebecca@gmail.com, 831.325.3489
Koleinu Youth Choir
Neveh Shalom’s new youth choir will sing at select events and services in the year. To become a member, contact Cantor Eyal Bitton.
Musical Midrash Project with Mark Sherman
The Musical Midrash Project began by looking for notable instances of lyrical beauty in the Biblical text. In each of the traditional divisions of weekly Torah readings, one of these lyrical texts became the starting point for musical midrash – using song to draw out the emotional impact and spiritual power in the words. With melody, and interpretive English lyrics to match the cadence of each text, the songs of the Musical Midrash Project join a living tradition that continues to find new ways of interpreting Torah, and life itself.
Weekly Musical Midrash Project
Sessions for morning people: Sundays, 8-8:30am
Sessions for evening people: Mondays, 6-6:30pm
Mark Sherman invites interested congregants to a live weekly session of the Musical Midrash Project. Each session will introduce an original song, interpreting a text from the weekly Torah reading. For more information and for the link, please visit: musicalmidrash.com | Facebook.