Chag Sameach!
We are excited to welcome you to join us for our Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah celebrations. Look for all of our NEW THIS YEAR programming! Don’t miss everything below!
Sukkot Happenings
September 29-October 6
Sukkot is the celebration of sacred time with its ties to nature, the Sukkah, and the successful conclusion of the High Holiday season. Please stay tuned for opportunities to gather with friends and community for food, prayer, study, conversation, and fun

Sukkah Build and Decoration
Wednesday, September 27
- Build: 7:30-10:30am
Decorate: 10:30-12:30pm
Join the Men’s Club and Sisterhood in the building and decorating of our Neveh Shalom Sukkah in the Holzman Plaza. We’d love you to come and participate with us. All are welcome to join either or both. If you would like to volunteer with the building, contact zacharyhorowitz@hotmail.com. If you would like to volunteer for decorating, contact smallfryeterp@icloud.com.
The tear-down will be on Monday, October 9, 7:30-9am.

Friday, September 29 (Candle Lighting: 6:37pm)
6:15pm Erev Sukkot/Kabbalat Shabbat service
Saturday, September 30 (7:38pm – light from pre-existing flame)
9:30am Shabbat/Sukkot Service (Kiddush lunch to follow)
Sunday, October 1 (7:36pm – Havdallah)
9:30am Sukkot Service (Kiddush lunch to follow)
Monday-Thursday, October 2-5
7:00am Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service
Friday, October 6 (Candle lighting 6:24pm)
7:00am Hoshana Rabah Service
Hoshana Rabah comes toward the end of Sukkot. The ancient custom of beating willow branches at the conclusion of morning services pulls back the curtain on early Judaism and our land-based rituals. In a time of renewed environmental concerns, this unusual tradition has regained its relevance.
6:15pm Friday Evening Festival Shabbat Service

Our Sukkah is Your Sukkah: Drop-in
We welcome you to pack a brown bag/picnic-style lunch and gather with your family and friends in our sukkah on the Holzman Plaza. No registration is needed.
Open dates and times:
- September 30, 2:00-8:00pm
- October 2, 11:00am-3:00pm
- October 3, 11:00am-3:00pm
- October 6, 9:00am-5:00pm

NEW THIS YEAR! CNS Teen Service Project in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 1, 2:00-4:00pm, CNS Sukkah
Join Neveh teens in a service project in the Sukkah to benefit Community Warehouse. We will shake the lulav and roll silverware for families in need. Light snack and refreshments will be served!
Contact srohr@nevehshalom.org, if you have questions!

CNS Young Adults Happy Hour in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 1, 5:00pm
Connect with CNS clergy and other CNS Young Adults (ages 21-35) as we welcome Sukkot with appetizers and drinks.
A free, fun, and casual gathering to welcome Sukkot with other young Jewish adults (21-35ish), Rabbi Eve Posen, and CNS staff. Drinks and appetizers will be served, so come schmooze and shake a Lulav and Etrog! Please pass this along to any other young adults in the Jewish community you think may be interested.

NEW THIS YEAR! Home and Heart: Women’s Evening in the Sukkah
Monday, October 2, 5:30pm
Women of all ages are invited to gather in the sukkah, our home for the week, for an evening of learning, exploration, and fun. Snacks, crafts, and connections provided.
Questions? Contact lrichmond@nevehshalom.org.

Men’s Club and Sisterhood Night in the Sukkah
Tuesday, October 3, 6:00pm
Join Men’s Club and Sisterhood in celebrating Sukkot! This will be a dairy potluck, so bring those delicious dishes. Come shake the lulav, eat, and be merry!
Contact: Zachary Horowitz zacharyhorowitz@hotmail.com or
Michelle Iimori-Goldenberg smallfryeterp@icloud.com

ALIYAH K-6th Grade Family Dinner and Forest Treasure Hunt
Wednesday, October 4, 5:45pm
Please join ALIYAH K-6 families for a warm and friendly dinner in Neveh Shalom’s beautiful sukkah to kick off our harvest holiday. There will also be a forest treasure hunt for 3rd-6th graders, starting at 6:15pm.
Dinner: $12 per person or $48/ family max (per household)
RSVP required: nevehshalom.org/ALIYAHSukkot2023

Wise Women & Wondering Jews Brown Bag Lunch in the Sukkah
Thursday, October 5, 12:00pm
We hope you will join us for our seniors and empty-nesters brown-bag lunch – a casual opportunity to come together to connect, share laughs, and empower one another – in the CNS Sukkah on Holzman Plaza! Open to all ages and stages, this is a great chance to foster friendship within our kehillah. Pack a lunch and join us!

Pizza in the Sukkah—Foundation School Families
Thursday, October 5, 5:00pm
Spend time with your child’s teachers and other families!
Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
The strength of the Jewish family depends on an intergenerational covenant of mutual concern. One way we demonstrate that is at Yizkor services, when we reflect on those who came before us. This is a powerful moment to replenish our memories and our love of those we have lost.

Saturday, October 7
9:30am Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
Simchat Torah
October 7-8
Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of Torah readings and the beginning of a new cycle.

NEW THIS YEAR! Adult Simchat Torah in 5-D: Date, Dinner, Drinks, Dance, and Davening
Saturday, October 7, 6:30pm
This year, the adults are going to celebrate the conclusion of the Torah in grand style on Saturday night, with a D for each of the Five Books of Moses. Join us for an adult date night, with drinks, dancing, dinner, and davening. To warm the night up, we’ll go south of the border, enjoying margaritas and a Mexican fiesta, all while celebrating the Book that’s kept us together all these years. There’ll even be a band, so make your reservations early to save your spot.

Simchat Torah Service for Everyone and Youth Activities
Sunday, October 8, Stampfer Chapel
9:30am: Everyone gathers for the Main Service
10:00am: Youth Fun (0-6th Grade)
At 9:30am, we welcome everyone to join us for our Simchat Torah Morning Service led by Rabbi Posen and Cantor Bitton. As part of the service, we will be honoring these groups with an aliyah:
- All children Foundation School/Shoreshim through Tichon (ages 0-18)
- Daily Minyan/Downstairs Minyan/Ritual Committee
- Chesed Committee and those who support it
- Tikkun Olam Committee and those who support
- Neveh Shalom Board Members
- Hatan Torah: Bob and Marla Weiner
- Kallat Bereshit: Jennifer and Mark Kalenscher

NEW THIS YEAR! Simchat Torah Youth Fun (0-6th Grade)
Sunday, October 8, 10:00am
At 10:00am, youth 0-6th grade will leave the main Simchat Torah service to join Morah Sarah Rohr and Morah Kaiya Goldhammer for Torah fun, where they will dance with a Torah and explore the creation story through art and drama.
No registration is needed.