A Year of Programming
Under the guidance of co-chairs Erika and Rich Meyers, the CNS 150 Program Committee has curated a slate of signature events with a focus on our most valuable asset—you. We will be throwing open our doors and inviting our members and the community to join us for this milestone year of events.
Frontiers, Old & New: CNS’s Sesquicentennial Celebration Kick-Off
Sunday, February 17
11am: Rabbi Stampfer speaks on the First Rabbi of the West
12pm: Free Lunch & Celebration (RSVP for lunch)
1:30pm: Open House & Exhibits
- Join us to kick off CNS 150, a year of celebrating our 150th anniversary
- Explore CNS’s past, present, and future through interactive exhibits
- “Antique Shul Show” – CNS history through photos, stories, and artifacts
- Learn more about CNS 150 Signature Events
- Contribute your voice to the future of CNS
- Everyone is welcome
OJMCHE Exhibit on Neveh Shalom
Opening on Sunday, March 3
The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education will be presenting an exhibit on the history of CNS. This display will highlight the values that define our kehillah, such as how our embrace of change has often guided us to be a voice of leadership.
Seven Decades of Rabbinic Impact
Honoring Rabbi Joshua Stampfer: His Life and Legacy
Saturday, April 6
Join us for this special event honoring the 70th anniversary of Rabbi Stampfer’s time in the rabbinate.
There will be a special Mincha service, sermon by Rabbi Stampfer, a panel of three Portland rabbis discussing: The Role of a Rabbi in the Community, followed by an Oneg Shabbat.
RSVP: receptionist@nevehshalom.org, 503.246.8831
A memory book is being created for Rabbi Stampfer to commemorate this occasion. If you would like to send your congratulations with a memory, a story, or the role he has played in your life, please submit an email to: programs@nevehshalom.org, or by mail on an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper to: Lindsay/Memory Book, Congregation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, Oregon, 97239. Please send no later than March 22.
This Is Us: A CNS 150 Concert
Sunday, June 2, 7:00pm – Light reception at 6:00pm
$12/Member | $18/Non-Member | $36/Patron
A gala concert in celebration of Congregation Neveh Shalom’s 150th anniversary featuring musical performances by Cantor Eyal Bitton, Ilene Safyan, the Koleinu Choir, and the CNS Concert Band led by Chris Hardin, along with narration by Rabbi Eve Posen.
Shabbat in the Park: A History
Friday, July 26
We will celebrate Shabbat in the Park near the site of our original locations, with tours highlighting our storied history in the PDX community.
Closing Gala Celebration
Sunday, December 15
We will round out the year on Sunday, December 15, with a closing gala. This will be a time to come together as the community we have been honoring on our journey this year. We will celebrate who we have become and the vision we have shaped together for the generations to come.