Shanah Tova!
Welcome to the High Holy Days at Congregation Neveh Shalom!
In this exceptional time, we have set out a vision for a meaningful spiritual experience for the High Holy Day period. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and Jewish tradition that we seek to find connection and continuity in the face of unexpected challenges and social distancing. We feel blessed to be able to celebrate and honor these Days of Awe with our kehillah and guests.
Neveh Shalom is an open and egalitarian community. Our services are led by Rabbi David Kosak, Rabbi Eve Posen, Cantor Eyal Bitton, and Ilene Safyan, along with lay leaders. We welcome all to experience the New Year with Neveh Shalom.
High Holy Days 5781 – How to Join Us!
- Click on the Rosh Hashanah portal link below.
- Enter the password to gain access to our Rosh Hashanah portal.
- Enjoy the services and programs. Once you log into the webpage after entering the password, all of our various events and their associated links are available.

Technical Support
Are you having a technical issue with logging into the Rosh Hashanah portal? Did you get into the portal, but are having trouble accessing the live-streamed services or Zoom services? Other technical trouble?
Common Technical Problems
Q: I registered, however I lost my password
A: Please call the office: 503.246.8831.
Q: I did not register and I do not have a password
A: Please register here, and follow the directions when you receive your confirmation email to get your password.
Q: I am entering the password, but it is not working
A: The password is case-sensitive. Also, there are different passwords for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Make sure that you are entering the correct password for the holiday. If trouble persists, you might want to try a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.).
Q: I still need help
A: Please call the office at: 503.246.8831.
Q: I am having problems with a slow computer, internet issues, or something of this sort.
A: Unfortunately, we are not able to support you with your home hardware or software issues. The best first step is to restart your modem and computer. This often can clear out problems. Also, shutting down any programs and browser windows that you do not need can sometimes speed things up. If you are still having problems, call your internet company, or a computer tech for help.
Instructions on how to use Zoom
How to use Zoom Cloud Meetings
- Using the Zoom App*: To attend services and events using the Zoom application you will need to install Zoom on a laptop or desktop computer: If you are using a smartphone or tablet, download the free “Zoom Cloud Meetings” app from your store.
- Using a Web Browser: To attend services and events using your web browser, select the “Join from your browser” after you click the link.
*We recommend you use the app, if possible. It has more functionality.
We recommend you test your connections before the services begin
- Go to
- Click the blue “Join” button to launch Zoom and join the test meeting.
- The meeting will run you through a series of tests to make sure your speakers, microphone, and camera are working.
If the “Click here to join” link isn’t working, try this:
- Go to
- Click “join a meeting”
- Enter the meeting ID
- Enter the passcode
Q: I clicked the link to join a Zoom service and a pop-up came up asking for me to open
A: If you already have the Zoom application, click “open” and the service should start. If you have not yet downloaded the Zoom application, it should download automatically. Click the application to install it, and then you should be able to access the service. If you do not want to download the application, you can click “cancel” and then click “open from browser” on the webpage that opened up.
Q: I am clicking the link you have provided, but nothing is happening.
A: Call the office and they will provide you with the meeting id and password that you can manually type in.
Q: The live-stream isn’t working.
A: Our hope is that everything works smoothly. If there is a problem and the live-stream does not work, no worries. Underneath the live-stream box on the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur portal page is a link to the YouTube versions of the videos. You may access the main services that way and watch them at your convenience.
Q: The live-stream is choppy or slow.
A: Please see the above answer.
Are you still having issues?
Please call our office for support: 503.246.8831.
Please note that while we will do our best with helping everyone, there are things that are out of our control or we may not know about. As such, we have rules for calling for support:
- Patience. We ask for your patience. Our limited staff are working many hours during these holidays. If many people are calling at the same time, your call may not immediately go through. Know that means that another congregant is being helped. Please keep trying until you reach someone.
- Kindness. As mentioned above our limited staff are doing their best to help you. On these holiest of holy days, please remember that how we treat each other is paramount.
- Understanding. While we will do our best to help you, we are new to this as well. We can only predict what issues our members and friends might encounter. There may be questions that we do not have answers to. If there are technical issues with your own equipment, we will not likely be able to help out. We are all doing the best we can.

No Password? Register Now!
If you did not previously register and would like to join us, please follow the registration link and fill out the form. After you submit the form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to obtain your login and password.

Service Schedule
5:00pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Drive-in
6:15pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
6:55pm CNS Candle Lighting
8:00am PJs Young Family Service
9:00am Clergy-Led Rosh Hashanah Service
9:00am Lay Led Rosh Hashanah Zoom Service with Special Musaf featuring Rabbi Eve and Ilene Safyan
10:00am Grade K-6 Family Service
10:45am Grade K-6 Torah Skit and Conversation
11:00am Replay of PJs Young Family Service
12:00pm Parent and Adult Social Time on Zoom
9:00am Lay-Led Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Services
10:00am Young Family Rosh Hashanah Zoom Seder & Sing-a-Long
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Learning Experiences – Descriptions can be found below
10:30am Rabbi David Kosak Chadesh Yameinu K’Kedem: Renew Our Days as of Old
11:30am Mel Berwin Chazak, Chazak v’Nitchazek
12:30pm Amy Katz Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
11:30am Prayer in Front of Ark/Cider Pick-Up
2:30pm Tashlich
4:00pm Shofar Across Oregon
7:00pm Ma’ariv
Neveh Zedek 9:30-10:00am | Ahavai Shalom 10:30-11:30am
9:00am-12:00pm Teens Praying with our Feet
4:00pm Young Family Kol Nidre Service
6:15pm Kol Nidre Service
8:30am Young Family Services
9:00am Clergy-Led Yom Kippur Service / Yizkor Service
9:00am Lay Led Yom Kippur/Yizkor Zoom Service with Special Musaf featuring Rabbi Eve and Ilene Safyan
10:00am Grade K-6 Family Service
10:45am Grade K-6 Torah Skit and Conversation
11:15am Entering the Holy of Holies: Storytelling and the High Priest
2:30pm Learning Time Discussion
4:00pm Jonah Story
6:30pm Neilah
7:40pm Havdallah
Immediately after Havdallah, Break the Fast
Please explore the High Holy Days booklet for more detailed information, including what platform each service or event is on, and family services and programs.