Happy Purim!
We hope you will join us for one or more of our wonderful Purim happenings!

Mishloach Manot Gift Box
A Purim Treat for every CNS Member.
We will be providing a Mishloach Manot* gift box to every CNS member and Foundation School family who opts in to receive one this year.
*Mishloach Manot (literally, “sending of portions”) are gifts of food or drink that are sent to family, friends, and others on Purim. The mitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot derives from the Book of Esther. It is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast, and to increase love and friendship among Jews and their neighbors.
Click the button below and use the form to:
- Opt in to receive a Mishloach Manot box
- Become a Purim Patron
- Upgrade to a gourmet box
- Send a box to a college student
- Fill out this form by March 8, 2024.
Please note that registration for Mishloach Manot opt-in and upgrades is now closed.
Want to help bake hamantaschen? Click here to sign up.

Become a Purim Patron!
There is a level for everyone in this spring fundraiser!
What is a Purim Patron?
By becoming a Purim Patron your gift contributes to the CNS Kehilla experience. Providing opportunities to engage in creative and innovative programs and prayer as well as helping fulfill the Purim Mitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot.
We have patron levels ranging from $18,000 to $36, and options in between.
Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.

Sign up is closed.
Send a Purim Package to Your College Kid
Sign-up by March 8
This year, you can order Purim packages for your college kids through our Mishloach Manot Gift baskets form. Click on the option called “Mail a Mishloach Manot Box to a College Student” to get started.
If you have questions, please e-mail mcaplan@nevehshalom.org.

Online Silent Auction
Happening March 21-25
Are you interested in supporting in additional ways? We’re looking for donations of all kinds; case of wine, weekend at beach house, tickets to a sporting event, etc. We want to make our auction even more exciting with great offerings from our community.
If you would like to donate an item for the auction, please click the link below.
Thank you for your generosity!
Purim Happenings

Seudah Shlishit and Erev Purim Megillah Reading
Saturday, March 23, 7:45-9:00pm
- 7:45pm Seudah Shlishit light meal
- 8:10pm Megillah reading
Everyone is invited to join us for a light festive meal prior to the Megillah reading.
No registration is necessary.

Teen Purim Party
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30-8:30pm
All Neveh Teens 7th-12 grade are invited for a Purim celebration. There will be an Ojo’s de Haman baking contest, theatre games, crafting and hanging out with friends. Optional dinner 5:45-6:30pm $10 (if you already pay for dinner thru Tichon there is no added cost).
Contact Sarah Rohr at srohr@nevehshalom.org.
Registration coming soon!

Purim Palooza Carnival 2024
Thursday, March 21, 3:00-6:00pm
Costumes encouraged!
JOIN THE CELEBRATION, Attention all families… You are invited for a fun carnival experience. Enjoy a bounce house, face painting, gaga pit, carnival games, special crafts and treats and MORE!!!
All Access Family Pass
$54/family – Unlimited activities and nosh included in the price of admission.

Megillah in the Morning: A Reading and Brunch for Families and Adults
Sunday, March 24, 9:00am-12:30pm
- 9:00am Service, Megillah reading and costume parade
- 10:20am Kids’ pull-out activities
- 11:15am Brunch & Games
Come and enjoy a unique, CNS community-wide Purim celebration!
Fun to be had for all ages with an interactive Megillah reading and special children’s programming. Continue the celebration with a delicious brunch, complete with waffles, eggs, a yogurt-parfait bar, and brunch cocktails. Don’t miss this festive event!

Todah/Thank You to Our Current Purim Patrons!
Mighty Mordechai
Joseph Fram & Bonnie Birch
Harvey & Sandy Platt
Valor of Vashti
Gary & Carolyn Weinstein
A Royal Feast
Jack & Melanie Birnbach
CNS Board of Directors
Mark & Jennifer Kalenscher
Raul & Lidia Krivoy
Liza & Beth Milliner
Alan & Debra Montrose
Brian Suher & Barbara Atlas
Nathan & Lindsay von Colditz
Peter Wigmore & Randy Katz
Jen & Jon Yoken
Royal Revelers
Alan Blank & Ellyn Sternfield
Felicia & Todd Rosenthal
Shields of Shushan
Glen Coblens & Mia Birk
Michael Khavul & Gina Westhoff
Rabbi Kosak’s Discretionary Fund
Persian Partiers
Michael & Michelle Alberts
Michelle & Jon Caplan
Jennifer Director Knudsen & David Knudsen
Mitch & Nicole Elovitz
Jewish National Fund
Jason & Allison Kaufman
Sandy & Wendi Menashe
Rabbi Eve Posen & Duncan Gilman
Irving & Arlene Potter
Dana & Jeremy Sacks
Steven & Wendy Shain
Happy Hamantaschen
Cantor Bitton’s Discretionary Fund
Julia & Evan Daigneault
Holly & Arden Eby
Jerome & Lisa Eckstein
Marlene Edenzon
Elana Emlen
Janet Feldman
Abraham & Robin Furman
Sheri Katz & Joel Mullin
Jonathon Lietz & Elaine Coughlin
Hanoch & Cheryl Livneh
Richard & Abby Menashe
Jane & Lawrence O’Glasser
Anita & Arthur Polott
Daniel Pressman & Helen Tieger
Claire & Lucian Shifren
Mark & Mindy Zeitzer
Gregarious Grogger
Sidney & Linda Alpert
Rosana Berdichevsky
Eyal Bitton & Michele Tredger
Ronald & Barbara Blumenthal
Talia Buchsbaum & Richard Moberly
Beth Z Cassin
Mitchell & Arlene Cogen
Debra & Dave Coltoff
Suzanne Cox-Hanan
Howard & Wendy David
Debbie Dedrickson
Charlotte & Ofir Fatal
Naomi & Lawrence Fink
Janet Franco
Sarah Freilich & Mike Vladimer
Adam & Courtney Furman
Rodney & Andrew Garland-Forshee
Lisa Gezelter & Kip Memmott
Leif & Arielle Goranson
Jeff Hamburger
Robert & Dorice Horenstein
Margaret Hughes
Rabbi Daniel & Carol Isaak
Cheryl & Dae-Jin Joseph
Rikki & Evan Kass
Sue Katz
Charles Koransky & Molly O’Glasser
Stephen Laveson & Lesley Isenstein
Lisa Marie & Michael Lynch
Jennifer Moorman
Deirdre Murfee & Maddie Cuda
Eric Peet & Abby Guyer
Larry & Sharon Perrin
Shoshanna & Ben Pro-Richards
Marissa Richardson
Alan & Vicki Rotstein
Rian Sallee
Larry & Brenda Schwartz
Carolyn Shain
Edward Shane
Ariel Shattan & Philip Jansen
Mylen & Rosalyn Shenker
Margaret Simco & Scott Cohen
Ellen Singer & Eamon Molloy
Steve & Dana Sirkin
David & Kim Solondz
Howard Song & Sally Segel
Fred & Barri Stiber
Stanley Teplick & Leslie Harris
Gary & Debra Wasserman
Sabra Weintraub
Emily Yeomans
Jeffrey & Julie Zola
Robert & Arleen Zucker
The 4 Mitzvot of Purim
Megillah: On Purim, the Megillah is read aloud in synagogues all over the world – and this is one time when no one is discouraged from making noise during the service! In fact, listeners shake their groggers (Yiddish for “noisemakers”) every time they hear the name of the villain of the story, Haman. This tradition is passed down L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, as a means of remembering the lessons learned from persecution and celebrating the fact that our Kehillah, our community, has continued to thrive through today. You can find different English interpretations of the megillah online and be sure to join our community for the reading on Purim!
Mishlo’ach Manot: The second mitzvah is sending gifts, or mishlo’ach manot which is Hebrew for “sending food,” usually in the form of Purim gift baskets. Gifts of food to friends and colleagues ensure that everyone has the means to be happy, further foiling the evil plans of Haman. Sending gifts to our friends is a beautiful way to celebrate K’lal, the value of inclusivity, making sure every person feels the joy of Purim and of being included in the Kehillah, community.
Se’udat Purim: In addition to the purim spiel, (the playful part of Purim), which usually includes telling the story, a costume parade, and baking or eating hamantaschen, many families also enjoy the Se’udah, or the Purim feast. This commandment is to “eat, drink, and be merry.” This mitzvah is the hardest to maintain this year because it is so difficult to safely gather in Kehillah (community). As a people we have had to constantly grow and innovate, create chiddush, or new ways of celebrating. We invite you to think of one creative way you can have a Purim feast this year and share it with us!
Matanot L’evyonim: Directly giving to those experiencing poverty, matanot l’evyonim, is the fourth mitzvah. Giving to others, especially on Purim, ensures that everyone in our kehillah (community) has the means to celebrate during the holiday and honors Esther and Mordechai’s legacy of saving the Jewish people. Fulfilling the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim can be as simple as dropping coins into a tzedakah box or making donations of food or clothing to a local pantry or shelter.