Thank you to everyone who attended our lectures.
Click here to watch the recorded videos.
Congregation Neveh Shalom and the Suher Family would be honored to have you join us for:
The 6th Annual Yoni Suher (z”l) Scholar-in-Residence
“Democracy at the Edge: Freedom, Tyranny, and the Israeli Pivot” with Noam Tibon, retired Israeli Major General

February 25-26, 2023
Schedule of Events
Friday’s talk and dinner has been postponed to Sunday at 4:00pm
Understanding Today’s Middle East
Saturday, February 25, 7:00pm, Dessert and Talk
Explore the different factions and security issues that face the Middle East.
This talk is co-sponsored by Neveh Shalom’s Israel360 Program
Working For Others: My Journey from Kibbutz to Major General
Sunday, February 26, 10:00am, Brunch with Men’s Club
Enjoy hearing about Major Tibon’s personal story of his journey and pathway of his life’s trajectory.
Special Lecture by Scholar Gali Mir Tibon, PHD: Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
Sunday, February 26, 2:00pm, Dessert and Talk
Learn about Jewish committees in the ghettos under Romanian occupation in Transnistria during WWII.
This talk is co-sponsored by OJMCHE.
A cocktail reception will follow this lecture.
Taking Care of Family: Personal Reflections on Serving in a People’s Army
Sunday, February 26, 4:00pm, Dinner and Talk
Engage in a discussion about the unique phenomena in Israel of who serves in the army, who does not, the impact in Israel when a soldier is lost, and how the new political coalition impacts this balance.
Complimentary meals or desserts are provided at each talk with RSVP.
Questions or trouble with the RSVP? Contact:, 503.246.8831.
Seating is limited.
All talks will be held at:
Congregation Neveh Shalom
2900 SW Peaceful Lane | Portland, OR
Yonatan “Yoni” Suher, z”l
(March 16, 1976 – March 19, 2016)

Yoni Suher was tragically killed in March 2016 in a suicide bombing in central Istanbul, Turkey. Suher was on vacation with his wife, Inbal, celebrating his 40th birthday. The attack killed three Israelis and injured 11 more, including Inbal.
Today, Inbal works in the production of television documentaries. For the previous 20 years Inbal worked as a top television producer including many years producing the Israeli TV hit, A Star is Born, Kohav Nolad (like American Idol). Inbal also works with individuals as a Personal Advisor.
Yoni had deep roots here at Neveh Shalom. Yoni’s father, Randy Suher, was a member of Neveh Shalom, and his grandmother, Ethel Katz (Suher) Briller, was a beloved longtime director of our Foundation School. Yoni was born into our CNS community before the family moved to Israel when he was one.
Yoni was the father of Goni (16) and Uri (13), son of Randy and Yael Suher, nephew of CNS member Brian (Barbara Atlas) Suher, and grandson of the late Ted Suher (z”l), a past president of Neveh Shalom in the late 1960s.
About Noam Tibon
Major General (Ret.) Noam Tibon served 35 years as a combat officer.
His command positions include the IDF special forces, Commander of the 202nd Paratroopers Battalion, Commander of the “Nahal” infantry Brigade, Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Commander of the Northern Formation.
Tibon holds a B.A. in History from the University of Haifa (Summa Cum Laude) and an MA in Public Administration from Harvard University (Summa Cum laude).
Tibon is a Co-founder of Cinturion Corp. building the Trance Europe Asia System a subsea cable Project.
Married to historian and author Dr. Gali Tibon; Father of Amir Tibon, senior editor at Haaretz Newspaper and twice our Yoni Suher z”l Scholar in Residence speaker, and Dr. Uri Tibon.

This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.