Funding Our Future

The Capital Campaign of CNS 150

Celebrating our today
Building for tomorrow

Under the leadership of campaign chairs, Carolyn Weinstein and Glen Coblens, the capital campaign seeks to raise $4 million and increase legacy gifts by an additional $4 million. Please join the many members who have already given to Congregation Neveh Shalom’s Funding Our Future Capital Campaign. Thank you for helping us write the next chapter in the Neveh Shalom story.

Every gift counts!


Today our finances are stable. Our beautiful campus has served us well. However, like any building more than 50 years old, our synagogue is aging and needs critical improvements to match the growing needs of our thriving community.


To fund our future in perpetuity, we need to grow our endowment so its income covers the unexpected. Consider a gift to provide for Neveh Shalom’s future by making the synagogue a beneficiary in your estate planning.

The goals of the Capital Campaign are to:

$1,320,000 Critical Deferred Maintenance

$180,000 Campus Security Hardware

$1,000,000 Building Reserve Fund

$1,500,000 Debt Elimination


The goals of the Capital Campaign are to:

$1,320,000 Critical Deferred Maintenance

$180,000 Campus Security Hardware

$1,000,000 Building Reserve Fund

$1,500,000 Debt Elimination

View Urgent Campus Needs

Invest in Our Future

Celebrating Our Community

“As my ancestors planted for me,
so too, will I plant for my children.”

– Talmud, Ta’anit 23A

Securing our future

Congregation Neveh Shalom has thrived thanks to members with vision and commitment. Since we began, our congregation has secured the future for us by providing the necessary energy and funds to create, build, and cultivate our community.

Funding Goals92%

We’ve raised $3.7 Million of our $4 Million goal thanks to the help of recent gifts from:

Add your name by making a pledge today!