Your Library
The Feldstein Library, located on the main floor of Congregation Neveh Shalom, boasts the most robust collection of Jewish books in the Pacific Northwest, containing over 10,000 volumes to meet the diverse educational and recreational needs of Portland’s Jewish Community.

Our book holdings include strengths in multiple areas: contemporary Jewish related fiction, Jewish life cycle, philosophy, customs, Holocaust, genealogy, history, Bible, Jewish graphic novels for all ages, folktales, cooking, biographies, and modern Hebrew language texts, both fiction and non-fiction. We also feature a wide spectrum of traditional Jewish texts and general reference materials.
- Resources for Religious School and adult education curricula
- Materials and assistance for B’nai Mitzvah d’var Torah preparation
- A Jewish parenting section
- Jewish-interest DVDs donated from the collection of Paul and Joan Sher
- One computer with internet accessibility
- Wireless internet access
- A welcoming environment to relax, read a book to your child, study, or catch up with friends
The Feldstein Library is a free resource for members of the Congregation and many other members of Portland’s Jewish community. Please contact us for more information 503.246.8831 x118,
Check us out – we’re YOUR Library!
Library Hours
- Tuesdays: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Wednesdays 2:00pm – 8:30pm
- Thursdays 10:00am -1:00pm
- Sundays 8:30am – 12:00pm
Library Catalog
Our catalog is always available for browsing and books are ready to be checked out. New books are always being added — check out our collection for all ages!
Are we missing something? If you can’t find it in the catalog, let us know via the book purchase suggestion form.
Your support is needed!
Volunteers are always welcome and any purchase from our general wish list or from our picture book wish list is greatly appreciated.
Do you have books to donate?
Donations are always appreciated. Please consider the following criteria before bringing in any books:
- Donations must have been published within the last three years.
- Donations must be in like-new physical condition.
- Donations must have either contemporary significance or permanent value and be consistent with existing library collection (Jewish content).
Please do NOT bring any PJ Library books. We are already inundated with them.
Upcoming Events:
Storytime for Adults! Tuesday, February 11th from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Come and cozy up in the Feldstein library. Relax in a comfy chair and enjoy a cup of tea and a snack while our librarian reads aloud from our collection of short stories, potentially followed by a brief discussion.
Contact Our Librarian
Leora Troper
503.246.8831 x118