B’nai Mitzvah at Neveh Shalom
Our ALIYAH program helps our youth become familiar with the structure of Shabbat services and prepares them for reading and leading Hebrew prayers and becoming familiar with the structure of Shabbat services. In order for youth to be eligible for b’nai mitzvah at Neveh Shalom, they must register for and attend ALIYAH from grades 1-7. Students at Portland Jewish Academy must attend in grades 6 & 7 and attend a meeting in 5th grade for Hebrew assessment.

Personalized Tutorial Program
When a child is one year away from bar/bat mitzvah, he or she begins a personalized tutorial program. The professional private tutor works with each child on his/her individual Torah and Haftarah portions as well as any prayers the child has not yet mastered. Included in this tutorial program is a month of tutoring with our cantor prior to bar/bat mitzvah.
Meetings and Payment Schedule
In order to reduce the financial obligations on families during the bar/bat mitzvah year, we have adopted a pay-ahead program in which families pay half the tutorial fee in 5th grade and half in 6th grade, so that the family is free of that financial obligation by the bar/bat mitzvah year. Every fall we hold a parent meeting for 5th and 6th grade families to provide all of the information you will need as you prepare for your child’s bar/bat mitzvah. At this meeting you hear about the ritual, educational, and logistical sides of the bar/bat mitzvah celebration at Neveh Shalom. We also provide a handbook with additional details, contacts, and information for all families in 5th and 6th grades. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please make arrangements to pick up the handbook and read it; we are available any time to answer questions.
Guide for Guests
This video guide to share with your family and friends will help all visitors find comfort with the customs of our congregation. The video tour will answer some basic questions around Jewish ritual, attire, the facilities, and service decorum.
Additional Information
For information about the ALIYAH program contact Mel Berwin. To set a date for your child’s bar/bat mitzvah, to get service information, tutoring, and event planning, contact Michelle Caplan.
B’nai Mitzvah Documents
- Parent B’nai Mitzvah Handbook
- Program/Honors Fillable Form
- Cantor Bitton’s Service Recordings
- Torah Blessings
- Community Prayers
Contact Information
- ALIYAH program – Mel Berwin
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring – Cantor Bitton
- Set a bar/bat mitzvah date –Cantor Bitton
- Service information – Cantor Bitton
- Event planning – Michelle Caplan