“We make a life by what we give. L’chaim!”
Each time we partake in an act of tzedakah, we help build and strengthen our kehilla and ourselves. We appreciate any amount you are able to give. Know that your contribution helps our kehilla grow and thrive.
It’s easy to double your donation with an employer match. Intel, Nike, Cambia and HP are just a few companies with matching programs. Find out if yours does too by clicking here.

Questions? Please contact us!
Michelle Caplan
Assistant Executive Director
503-293-7313 | email
“Charity outweighs all other commitments.”
– Talmud
Many corporations and employers offer matching programs that allow donors to double or triple their gifts to non-profit organizations. For example, matching programs through employers such as Nike, Intel and Cambia Health have allowed our members to multiply the impact of their gifts to Neveh Shalom. Please consult your employer for details on their matching programs.
Other Ways to Give
Linking your membership cards at leading groceries will help us get funds and cost you nothing! Here’s how:
Market of Choice and Zupan’s
- Go to
- Under “Shop Locally,” click “Find Shops”
- Scroll down to select “Zupans” or “Market of Choice”
- Click “Sign Up”
- Fill in your contact info, then “continue”
- Under #2 “Select your school” type “Congregation Neveh Shalom” in the search box, then check the box to select it, then “continue”
- Under #3, from the pull-down list, select your store and enter your card number. (Note: you can add other cards like AmEx, Visa, ATM, too!)
- Under #4, confirm your information
Fred Meyer community Partners
- Go to
- Click Re-enroll or link your Rewards Card now
- Login to your Fred Meyer account (or create a new account, you must have a rewards card to do this)
- Enter “JA023” to select “Congregation Neveh Shalom” as your designated charity
Donate your car, truck, boat or RV to Neveh Shalom. We partner with Charity Connections (a division of Volunteers of America) so that 100% of your donation goes to charity.
It’s easy to Donate!
Online Method: Simply Click here for the online vehicle donation form. Make sure to select “Congregation Neveh Shalom” as the “Charity Partner Organization.”
Phone Method: Call Charity Connections directly at 503-235-8655. Let them know you are donating a vehicle to Neveh Shalom.
Next Steps
- Charity Connections will connect with you to complete steps required on the vehicle title and make arrangements to pick up the car, running or not.
- Charity Connections will auction off the car through their hands on dealer process.
- Neveh Shalom and Charity Connections split the proceeds 60/40.
- Your vehicle donation proceeds go directly to our Neveh Shalom general fund (or a Neveh Shalom fund designated by you).
One of the noblest Jewish traditions is the preservation of the name of a loved one on the Memorial Board in the Synagogue Sanctuary and the lighting of a memorial light on the anniversary of death. This is an eternal reminder of our dear departed one and the love and respect their memory evokes.
At Neveh Shalom, we have two beautiful Memorial Boards, which serve two functions. A large plaque is placed in the Sanctuary for the entire year of mourning and for every Yahrzeit. Another smaller plaque is permanently maintained in the Memorial Niche. The cost for this set of plaques is $800.
In addition a Tree of Life memorial exists on the chapel walls at each of our cemeteries. Many families wish to honor their departed by adding a leaf to the Tree at the appropriate chapel. This leaf is also inscribed with the name of the loved one. A memorial leaf costs $100.
We will be happy to assist you in answering any questions you have, in the selection of a memorial of your choice. Please contact Marg Everett at 503-246-8831 ext. 112
Every brick represents a unique opportunity to perpetuate your name or the name of a loved one.
There are 1000’s of opportunities. There is a paver for you!
$180 for an Individual Paver
$1800 for 6 Patron Pavers
Click here for brochure.
For questions regarding your order, please contact Marg Everett: