This is an old Webpage. To visit the High Holy Day information for this year, please visit:
All members, and registered non-members, should have received your login information for the High Holy Days by now. If you have not, please contact the office at 503.246.8831, or If you have not yet registered, and want to join in the services, please click on the registration link below.
Shanah Tova!
The High Holy Days are right around the corner!
In this exceptional time, we have set out a vision for a meaningful spiritual experience for the High Holy Day period. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and Jewish tradition that we seek to find connection and continuity in the face of unexpected challenges and social distancing. We feel blessed to be able to celebrate and honor these Days of Awe with our kehillah and guests.
Neveh Shalom is an open and egalitarian community. Our services are led by Rabbi David Kosak, Rabbi Eve Posen, Cantor Eyal Bitton, and Ilene Safyan, along with lay-led leaders. We welcome all to experience the New Year with Neveh Shalom.
Note that our HHD experience will largely happen using online platforms this year, with some in-person opportunities. We will utilize a mix of Zoom, video, and live-stream. Please explore this webpage or utilize our High Holy Days booklet for more information.

High Holy Days 5781 – How to Join Us!
- Please fill out the registration form. While every member is welcome and will receive access information, it is important to let us know that you will be attending and to share with us all of the information requested. Non-members will need to register to get access.
- We will send all members, and all registered non-members, a password which will gain them access to our main Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur webpage.
- Once you log into the webpage and enter the password, all of our various events and their associated links will be available.
The Structure of the High Holy Days
- Our main services will consist of pre-recorded produced videos interspersed with clips of members from our kehillah. You will be able to access them through our live-stream or by clicking on the video at or after the scheduled time.
- Our family services, Erev and Rosh Hashanah Day 2, and other classes, programs, and events will be offered through the Zoom platform.
- There will be select in-person events. You are invited to join us for these events to the level of your comfort.
Important Note
The information here represents the most accurate information we have at this time about the programs we will be offering throughout the holidays. Some details may change, especially for the proposed in-person events, based on safety guidelines and direction from our Executive Committee and state recommendations. We have never had to do anything like this before, and we appreciate your understanding and patience.
Because many of our services, classes, and events are online, there is always a possibility of technical challenges. Please make sure you review the information about “how to join” above and know that there will be someone on hand throughout the holidays to help you join if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
Service Schedule
5:00pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Drive-in
6:15pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
6:55pm CNS Candle Lighting
8:00am PJs Young Family Service
9:00am Clergy-Led Rosh Hashanah Service
9:00am Lay Led Rosh Hashanah Zoom Service with Special Musaf featuring Rabbi Eve and Ilene Safyan
10:00am Grade K-6 Family Service
10:45am Grade K-6 Torah Skit and Conversation
11:00am Replay of PJs Young Family Service
12:00pm Parent and Adult Social Time on Zoom
9:00am Lay-Led Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Services
10:00am Young Family Rosh Hashanah Zoom Seder & Sing-a-Long
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Learning Experiences – Descriptions can be found below
10:30am Rabbi David Kosak Chadesh Yameinu K’Kedem: Renew Our Days as of Old
11:30am Mel Berwin Chazak, Chazak v’Nitchazek
12:30pm Amy Katz Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
11:30am Prayer in Front of Ark/Cider Pick-Up
2:30pm Tashlich (see below for more information)
4:00pm Shofar Across Oregon (see below for more information)
7:00pm Ma’ariv
Neveh Zedek 9:30-10:00am | Ahavai Shalom 10:30-11:30am (see below for more information)
Time TBD Teens Praying with our Feet
4:00pm Young Family Kol Nidre Service
6:15pm Kol Nidre Service
8:30am Young Family Services
9:00am Clergy-Led Yom Kippur Service / Yizkor Service
9:00am Lay Led Yom Kippur/Yizkor Zoom Service with Special Musaf featuring Rabbi Eve and Ilene Safyan
10:00am Grade K-6 Family Service
10:45am Grade K-6 Torah Skit and Conversation
11:15am Entering the Holy of Holies: Storytelling and the High Priest
2:30pm Learning Time Discussion
4:00pm Jonah Story
6:30pm Neilah
7:40pm Havdallah
Immediately after Havdallah, Break the Fast
Please explore the High Holy Days booklet for more detailed information, including what platform each service or event is on, and family services and programs.
Family Service
We have a full and exciting range of family services and programs this year. Through the direction and leadership of Rabbi Eve Posen, Morah Leah Conley, and Mel Berwin, our kids, teens, and parents will be engaged in age-appropriate ways that are open to everyone. For a complete list of events and descriptions, please explore our High holy Days booklet by clicking here.

Regarding Prayerbooks
Mahzor Lev Shalem – High Holy Day Prayer Books
Neveh Shalom congregants have 3 options to access Mahzor Lev Shalem, the prayer book we use during the High Holy Days.
Option 1 – Order Print Edition
Purchase your own copy of the prayer book through Neveh Shalom. Through bulk ordering, we are able to significantly reduce the shipping charge of over the cost of the book itself. To achieve these savings, we will need to receive orders for at least 20 books.
Discounted Cost (book & shipping): $42.
Following arrival, we will advise you of a distribution/pick-up system. All orders MUST be received w/payment in the CNS office by: Friday, August 14, 2020.
Option 2 – Order Digital Edition
Mahzor Lev Shalem will be available as a digital publication via Issuu, a digital publishing platform that preserves the appearance and pagination of the printed book. Users can access the digital mahzor on their computers or via the free Issuu app for mobile and tablet.
The digital edition of Mahzor Lev Shalem is available for purchase via the Issuu app for $8.99 (at present, it is actually $5.99 on the purchase site).
Option 3 – Borrow Mahzor Lev Shalem from Neveh Shalom
Copies of the physical mahzor are available to CNS members, up to 2 per family. It is important to note that our mahzors represent a $60k investment by the congregation, so care and return of the books is very important. A system for distribution/pick-up of the books will be sent to all who select this option. Books must be returned to Neveh Shalom in undamaged condition by Friday, October 16, 2020. Any congregants not retuning the mahzor will be charged the $54 cost of each book.
Make your selection on the HHD Registration Form.

Special High Holy Days 5780 Activities
Please note: While we have made all attempts to be as accurate with the information as possible, there are so many unknowns and variables that some information may change over time. This is especially true with the proposed in-person events. Some of this information will be adjusted, changed, cancelled, etc. based on direction from our Executive Committee and state recommendations. We have never had to do anything like this before and we appreciate your understanding and patience. Please regularly visit this website and check your emails for the latest information.

Hear the Shofar During the Month of Elul
August 21-September 18
The month of Elul begins on August 21. It is traditional to come daily for Morning Minyan in preparation for the High Holy Days and hear the shofar being blown, which happens every day of the month except for Shabbat. If you are interested in blowing the shofar during this month, please contact Priscilla Kostiner at: To join Morning Minyan, please visit You can also deepen in the month of Elul with the special book designed by Debbi Plawner.

Last Day of High Holy Days Food Drive this Sunday, September 27!
CNS is proud to once again hold our High Holy Day food drive to support Neighborhood House. Please bring your donations to the collection bins located in the front turn around. The collection will continue through 12pm on Sunday, September 27.
Please note: during the week, only drop off between the times of 9:30am and 2:30pm, or after 4:30pm, as not to interfere with Foundation School drop-off and pick-up. This is very important for the safety of the teachers and kids. Thanks for your help!

Community Selichot Options
Saturday, September 12
The Oregon Board of Rabbi’s have created a special Selichot program for the Portland-area community. Click here for schedule and to register.
Additionally, we are pleased to join with Conservative movement congregations for a national Selichot program of learning, taught by rabbis and leaders from around the country. Click here for more information and to register (registration opens on September 1).

Erev Rosh Hashanah Drive-in
Friday, September 18, 5:00pm
Join Rabbi Eve, Morah Leah, and Mel Berwin for an in-person interactive time to explore the themes of the high holidays, sing, hear stories, and prepare to welcome the time with your hearts and our community.

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Learning Experiences
Sunday, September 20
10:30am: Chadesh Yameinu K’Kedem: Renew Our Days as of Old
Rabbi David Kosak
There’s a haunting line in the High Holiday liturgy we usually sing together—“Return us God, and we will be returned. Renew our days as of old.” The notion of renewing us like we were seems a bit paradoxical—and timely. We are in a period of rapid change, and yet many of us long for a return to the “old” ways we used to gather and interact. We will reflect on this line of liturgy, study commentaries and texts, and discuss what renewal might mean for each of us.
11:30am: Chazak, Chazak v’Nitchazek
Mel Berwin
Let’s dive into our theme for the year by looking at new and surprising texts. What does it take to be strong and to strengthen others? How does our approach to the cycle of Torah reading relate to our lives and to the holy days at hand?
12:30pm: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Amy Katz
The theme song of Hamilton asks us to ponder: What have we done with the time that we have been granted? What is the legacy we leave? This theme so closely mirrors the powerful prayer “who shall live and who shall die?” In this interactive workshop, we will consider the stories we’ve lived and watched during this time of unrest, and use texts from both tradition and the musical to find comfort and inspiration as we consider how to fully engage in the narrative of our lives.

Prayer in Front of Ark/Cider Pick-Up
Sunday, September 20, 11:30am-2:30pm
Please note that registration for this is now closed. If you previously signed up, more information will be sent around Sept 14.
We recognize that a moment for prayer in sacred space is meaningful for many. While we cannot gather together in our building, we are intending to open our three sanctuaries for timed moments of introspection, reflection, and prayer. We’ll also be using our brand new cider press to go sweetly into the new year. Swing by for your jug of fresh-pressed cider.
While it is our best intention to have this program occur, our dedication to the safety of our community dictates that we will make any changes necessary, based on direction from our Executive Committee and state recommendations.

Neighborhood Tashlich
Sunday, September 20, 2:30pm
Join other Neveh Shalom congregants for special Tashlich services around town. Each site will have a different leader, will be at a different location, and will have a unique service as prepared by the specific leader. All will be wearing masks and attendance at any given site will be limited to 15 people for safety. Register early and guarantee your place at this year’s special Tashlich services. After registration, the leader will send you specific directions and instructions. Click here to register.

Shofar Across Oregon & SW Washington
Sunday, September 20, 4:00pm
In partnership with the Oregon Board of Rabbis and the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland we invite you to take your Shofar outside and send a message of peace, hope, and healing through the blowing of your shofar. Our hope is that Jews all across Oregon and SW Washington will join together in this moment.

Kever Avot Graveside Visit
Sunday, September 27, Neveh Zedek: 9:30am | Ahavai Shalom 10:30am
Just like most things this year, Kever Avot will also look a bit different. Due to the pandemic, there will not be chapel services at the cemeteries. Rather, people are invited to stand by the gravesite of their loved one at the appropriate time and clergy will join you individually to recite graveside prayers.

Teens Praying With Our Feet
Sunday afternoon, September 27, Time TBD
Let’s spend the afternoon leading up to Yom Kippur doing something that really counts. RSVP for this in-person, physically-safe social action activity and Mel will give you the details:

Special Yom Kippur Storytelling Experience
Entering the Holy of Holies: Storytelling and the High Priest
Monday September, 28, 11:15am
Jewish storyteller Brian Rohr shares a dramatic story about the High Priest who, on this day of Yom Kippur only, entered the Holy of Holies, to stand before YHVH on behalf of the people. Brian’s story, suitable for teens and adults, will set an intention as we enter our own individual “holy of holies” on this most sacred of days.

October 2-9
Sukkot is a very special and sacred time for all of us. It is generally a time when we gather together as a community and with friends for food, prayer, study, conversation, and fun. While this year will be different we are able to bring much of the ruach/spirit of this sacred holiday to our kehillah. Please explore the following ways to celebrate:
Your Family – Our Sukkah
October 5-8, Various Times
We hope all have a chance to spend some time in a Sukkah during the upcoming holiday for a (self-provided) Kosher meal, or just to schmooze and enjoy. Neveh Shalom’s sukkah can be reserved for a 45-minute block for your (extended) family by selecting an available date/time on this form. In order to preserve our health & safety protocols, we will be following these guidelines:
- Use of the sukkah is limited to two “families” at any one time (allows for appropriate physical distancing between the two groups)
- Each family is limited to no more than nine people
- Families may bring a dairy meal (CNS will not be providing food, dishes, etc.)
- CNS will have tables/chairs in the sukkah for each family
- Tables/chairs will be sanitized between each 45-minute “reservation”
- Sign-ups are first-come, first-serve. The deadline to sign up is September 30. You will receive an email to review the COVID-19 health & safety protocols prior to your visit.
- Chag Sameach!
Zushipizin on Zoom: Sukkot with the Clergy
October 5, 7, & 8, various times
Have a private 15 minute virtual visit with the clergy person of your choice over the mystical platform of Zoom! As part of this we request a donation to our Tikkun Olam Fund.
On-line Sukkot Services – Links will be shared closer to the date
Erev Sukkot Kabbalat Shabbat Services (live-stream)
Friday, October 2, 6:15pm
First Day Sukkot/Shabbat Service (live-stream)
Saturday, October 3, 9:30am
Second Day Sukkot Service (Zoom)
Sunday, October 4, 9:00am
Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service (Zoom)
Monday-Thursday, October 5-8, 7:00am
Hoshana Rabah Service (Zoom)
Friday, October 9, 7:00am

Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
Saturday, October 10, 9:30am
Please join us for our Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor service. The link will be sent closer to the date.

Simchat Torah
October 10-11
Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of our Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle.
Young Family Special Erev Simchat Torah Program (Ages 0-5)
Saturday, October 10, 6:45pm
Join Rabbi Eve and other Young Families for some dedicated Simchat Torah fun! Click here to RSVP.
Whole Community Erev Simchat Torah 5781
Saturday, October 10, 7:15pm
Please join the Neveh Shalom community in an online celebration of Simchat Torah with Havdallah, stories, and a special musical concert with Cantor Bitton and friends. This event is free and open to all. RSVP:
Simchat Torah Morning Service (Zoom)
Sunday, October 11, 9:00am
The link will come closer to the date.