Happy Chanukah
It is always a joy to come together on some of the darkest nights of the year to celebrate the miracle of Chanukah.
Explore our many community celebrations below.
Chanukah Happenings
CNS Chanukah Party: Light the Night, Be a Blessing
Sunday, December 29, 3:00- 5:00pm
Registration due by Monday, December 23
Let’s gelt together for a lively afternoon of Chanukah celebration! Don’t miss the fun as our CNS kehillah comes together for an afternoon brimming with joy, connection, and festive spirit for all ages.
There’s something for everyone!
- Latke Bar
- Community Candle-Lighting
- Games
- Arts & Crafts
- Cookie-Decorating
- Music
Sponsorship Opportunity:
Be a Chanukah Hero! Your sponsorship helps ensure the success of this community-wide celebration, fostering connections and enriching community life.
Please remember to bring packages of toilet paper, hats, and gloves for our annual mitzvah projects. Thank you.

PJ Havdallah in Chanukah Pajamas (Families 0-2nd Grade)
December 7, 5:15pm in Birnbach Hall
Join us for some pre-Chanukah fun. We’ll celebrate the end of Shabbat with Pizza, stories, crafts, music and fun.
$36 per family (financial aid available).

Youth Activities and Tichon Chanukah Party (Teens grades 7-12)
Wednesday, December 18
- Dinner at 5:45pm - $12 (for those not signed up for Tichon Dinner)
- Party is free, starts at 6pm
Crafts, Dessert making, Group Karaoke, and Glow in the Dark Dreidel!

Latkes & Vodka Party
Sunday, December 22, 5:30-9:00pm
Join us for a festive evening filled with live music, food, and fun! Enjoy a light dairy supper, a sampling of vodka spirits (other drink options, too), and Chanukah ruach! Perfect for a date night or friends’ night out, bring your menorah to partake in a group candle lighting, sing along to your favorite Chanukah tunes, and try your luck playing Super Dreidel!
Two ways to do a Chanukah Mitzvah!
Drop off through December 29!
All items can be dropped off in the lobby of our admin. office or at any CNS Chanukah event.
Toilet Paper Menorah
Help the CNS Men’s Club build a miraculous TP menorah while contributing to a great cause! Your wrapped packages of toilet paper will go to support clients in need at Neighborhood House.
Questions? Please contact Mitch Elovitz, elovitzclan@comcast.net

Kids’ Winter Hats and Gloves Drive
Congregation Neveh Shalom is proud to partner with Project Lemonade to collect new gloves and hats, size 5 to adult. The Project Lemonade store in Lloyd Center allows foster youth to shop for free, helping them stay warm in the winter months.
Questions? Please contact Julia Daigneault, juliawaldinger@gmail.com