Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Beginning of new Hebrew month of Sivan
Beginning of new Hebrew month of Sivan
Friday, June 7, 6:15pm, Holzman Plaza "Where there are roses, there is joy," and we are overjoyed to kick off this year's Shabbat on the Plaza with a Taste of CNS Roses. Come join Rabbi Kosak, Cantor Bitton, and your kehillah for a beautiful service, followed by a dinner of salmon with rose hips, summer salad, baklava, and a selection of Rose' wines. No RSVP necessary, we look forward to seeing you! Co-sponsored by Arlene and Bob ... Read More
2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays, 9:30am* A lay-led alternate Shabbat service followed by a Kiddush lunch and singing of z’mirot. Interested in leading a part of the service or reading Torah? Contact: Click here to join via Zoom. *When there is no Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special Shabbat programming, Downstairs Minyan will join the main service at 9:30am.
Every Saturday, 9:30am Please join us for our traditional weekly Shabbat morning service. Note this special service: Meditation Shabbat, 1st Saturdays Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service)
Saturday, June 8 Service: 9:30am Kiddush Lunch Celebration: around 12:00pm (after services) Please come celebrate! Rabbi Daniel and Carol Isaak want to share the joy of 50 years of their marriage. They will be serenaded when they receive a Mi Sheberach at the Torah during the main service. Enjoy a special Kiddush lunch in their honor following the service.
An uplifting hour of study on Shabbat! Delve into biblical and midrashic text, (Hebrew and English text available) with a group of other women to find meaning from our traditions that relate to our lives. All levels of experience welcome. Free. Email for specific dates and topics.
Daily Morning Minyan – Meets in the Zidell Chapel and on Zoom. Monday-Friday: 7:15am start time (7am Rosh Chodesh) Sundays: 8:45am Office closure holidays: 9:00am Feel free to join us 15 minutes earlier for schmoozing. Morning Minyan meets in the Zidell Chapel Sunday-Friday. We also have the option of joining the minyan online. Click here to log in. Please email Priscilla Kostiner for further information: Use the book: Siddur Sim Shalom Shacharit Weekdays Click here for ... Read More
Festival of Weeks; commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai
Festival of Weeks; commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai
Festival of Weeks; commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai