Event Calendar

Wondering Jews/Wise Women in the Sukkah 2024

Holzman Plaza 2900 SW Peaceful Ln., Portland, OR, United States

Wednesday, October 23, 12:00pm Come be part of the fun as Neveh Shalom Wondering Jews (65+ retirees and empty-nesters) and Wise Women join forces this Sukkot! Join us for an afternoon in our peaceful sukkah for a chance to schmooze with clergy and friends, enjoy lunch, and reflect in a casual and warm atmosphere. Bring your own brown bag lunch, or choose from one of the following options available for purchase from Garbanzo’s Cafe at ... Read More

Teen/Tichon Sukkot Dinner & Party (7th-12th graders)

Holzman Plaza 2900 SW Peaceful Ln., Portland, OR, United States

Wednesday, October 23, 6:00-8:30pm All 7th – 12th graders are invited to join us for a special holiday dinner and party in Neveh Shalom’s beautiful sukkah to celebrate the end of our harvest holiday together. Dinner: $12 per teen Note: Teens who are enrolling in the annual sign up for Wednesday night dinners need to RSVP for this event (the cost of this dinner is included in the Wednesday night dinner annual sign up). Click ... Read More

Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service

Stampfer Chapel

The strength of the Jewish family depends on an inter­generational covenant of mutual concern. One way we demonstrate that is at Yizkor services, when we reflect on those who came before us. This is a powerful moment to replenish our memories and our love of those we have lost.  

Simchat Torah 5785: Torah for Everyone, a Blessing for All

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Thursday, October 24, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Celebrate with us the end and new beginning of the Torah cycle.  The final portion of the Torah is called “v’zot HaBracha, and THIS is the Blessing.”  Together we’ll dance and sing as we revel in the blessings of community! You are invited to join us for any and all components of this festive evening: 5:30-6:00pm Young Family Program 6:00-6:45pm Fish & Chips Dinner 6:45-8:00pm Ma'ariv (service) ... Read More

Simchat Torah Morning Service

Stampfer Chapel

Friday, October 25, 9:30am Please join us for our Simchat Torah morning service with a kiddush lunch to follow.

Downstairs Minyan

Event Series Downstairs Minyan
Zidell Chapel

2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays, 9:30am* A lay-led alternate Shabbat service followed by a Kiddush lunch and singing of z’mirot. Interested in leading a part of the service or reading Torah? Contact: downstairsminyan@gmail.com. Click here to join via Zoom. *When there is no Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special Shabbat programming, Downstairs Minyan will join the main service at 9:30am.

Saturday Morning Shabbat Service

Event Series Saturday Morning Shabbat Service
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Every Saturday, 9:30am Please join us for our traditional weekly Shabbat morning service. Note this special service: Meditation Shabbat, 1st Saturdays Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service)