Thank you so much for contributing to the funds that keep our programs growing and our community thriving. Below is a list of all of the funds you are able to contribute to. We appreciate your contribution. For more information, please contact Michelle Caplan, Assistant Executive Director, at 503-293-7313, email.
List of Funds
Adult Education Funds
- A. E. & Sylvia Rosenberg Lecture
- Adult Education
- Cafe’ V’lvrit
- The Itai Dewar z”l Gateway to Adult Hebrew Learning Fund
Beautification Funds
- Cookie Yoelin Shabbat Floral
- David Bernstein Memorial Biblical Grove
- Gary Weinstein Beautification Fund
- Howard Solomon Beautification
- Sonia Nudelman Floral
Building Funds
- Bettman Museum
- Charack Kitchen
- Hy & Myra Jackson Elevator Fund
- Kahn Handicapped
- Pa-Am B’Dor-L’Dorot Ha-Ba’Im
- Sam & Ida Soble Renovation
- Safety & Security Fund
Camp Scholarship Funds
- Billy & Rose Naftalin
- Camp Solomon Schechter
- David & Rosalie Lesch
- Edgar Schwartz
- Gladys & Joseph Fendel
- Scheuer
Cemetery Funds
- Banasky Chapel Beautification
- Cemetery
- Gevurtz Chapel at Ahavai Shalom Cemetery
- Harry & Eva Gross Chapel
- Leonard Barde Cemetery Enhancement
- Saperstein
- Weinstein Chapel at Neveh Zedek Cemetery
Cultural Arts Fund
- Cantor Morris Ail Music
- Music Library
- Muriel & Joseph Unkeles Choir’
Foundation School Funds
- Foundation School
- Leah & Mark Rubin Foundation School
- L.J. Rosenberg Memorial Playground
- Mary Rosenberg Scholarship
- Michael Harrowitz Foundation School
Library Funds
- Becky Menashe Bookshelf
- Elaine & Gloria Schiller Bookshelf
- Feldstein Library (programming/acquisitions)
- Gary Judd Bookshelf
- Heinz Jacob Bookshelf
- Jasmine RR Spiegel Memorial Library Fund
- Judy Isaacs Bookshelf
- Lilian Merritt Fiction Bookshelf
- Louis J. Rosenberg Bookshelf
- Morris & Bess Budner Bookshelf
- Nathan & Minnie Sherman Bookshelf
- Rabbi Stampfer Bookshelf
- Toinette Menashe Bookshelf
Miscellaneous Funds
- Bernard Bruss Art/Humanitarian
- Cantor Bittion Discretionary
- Donna Jackson Membership Enrichment Fund
- Hazak
- Hinenu
- Jews by Choice
- Joshua Stampfer Community Enrichment
- Montrose Video
- Moskowitz (for otherwise unfunded projects)
- Rabbi Kosak Discretionary
- Rabbi Isaak Discretionary
- Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Education Fund
- Rabbi Posen Discretionary
- Sala Kryszek Publication
- Sylvia Pearlman Membership Enhancement
- Yad b’Yad – Comforting Mourners
Ritual Funds
- Choir
- Healing Service
- Honor Roll (for special ritual needs)
- Milt Horenstein Morning Minyan
- Prayer Book
- Torah Mantel
- Torah Repair
- Eddy Shuldman Downstairs Kiddush Luncheon
- Eleanor Fischer Dial-In-Service
Scholarship Funds
- A.E. & Sylvia Rosenberg Israel Scholarship (for education in Israel)
- Burton Gevurtz Israeli Scholarship
- Cohen Israel Travel Fund
- Danzker Scholarship (for continuing Judaic education)
- Jacob Freedman Scholarship (Israel Scholarship)
- Lynda Herer Goldsmith Memorial (Israel Scholarship)
- Hyman & Rae Kirshner Memorial (for scholarly related purposes)
- Joseph Levy Scholarship (Judaic education)
- Sarah Horenstein (educational scholarships)
- Women’s League Religious School Scholarship
Social Action Funds
- CHAI (supports voucher program for needy)
- Charity Food Fund
- Congregant Assistance
- Food Pantry Donation
- Hesed Caring Committee
- Hunger Relief
- Keshet (CNS Pride Programming)
- Lora and Jim Meyer Inclusion Fund
- Robbie Ball Memorial Fund for Darfur
- Shomrei Teva
- Tikkun Olam
- Vaad Shel Chesed (Caring Committee)
Youth & Education Funds
- ALIYAH Jewish Education Program
- A.E. & Sylvia Rosenberg Tefillin
- Ann Fischer Dance
- College Outreach
- Grayce Gumbert Endowment (teacher training)
- Honigstock Educational Scholarship
- Karen Ami Religious School
- Marisa Patrice Strauss Youth Activities
- Mensches & Mavens
- Rosa Wigmore Holocaust Education Fund
- Samuel Dickerson Child Care
- YAFE (Youth and Family Engagement)
- USY Travel (transportation for conventions and shabbatons)