Kiddush Club
Room 102Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.
Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.
Tot Shabbat – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Zidell Chapel Experience the joy of Shabbat with this fun and engaging service for families with kids 5 and under. Enjoy singing, dancing, storytelling, and more! Followed by a kiddush lunch.
4th Friday of every month, 5:45pm, In the Summer, we meet in the Stern Family Lower Courtyard Rabbi Eve Posen leads this interactive gathering before services (at 6:15pm) with Shabbat singing and fun for families with children 0-10. Bring a picnic dinner to enjoy. Stay afterward for our Shabbat on the Plaza service and celebration. Questions?
Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.
Tot Shabbat – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Zidell Chapel Experience the joy of Shabbat with this fun and engaging service for families with kids 5 and under. Enjoy singing, dancing, storytelling, and more! Followed by a kiddush lunch.
Meet Rabbi Eve on the covered playground at the Hillsdale Farmers Market/Rieki Elementary school playground for a story or two and time to play with your CNS friends. Questions?
Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.
Tot Shabbat – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Zidell Chapel Experience the joy of Shabbat with this fun and engaging service for families with kids 5 and under. Enjoy singing, dancing, storytelling, and more! Followed by a kiddush lunch.
Wed, August 21, 2:00pm, Location TBD Let's Make a Splash! Cool off at one of our Westside splash pads for fun and popsicles with Rabbi Eve and our YAFE Community. Questions?
4th Friday of every month, 5:45pm, In the Summer, we meet in the Stern Family Lower Courtyard Rabbi Eve Posen leads this interactive gathering before services (at 6:15pm) with Shabbat singing and fun for families with children 0-10. Bring a picnic dinner to enjoy. Stay afterward for our Shabbat on the Plaza service and celebration. Questions?