Registration now open for 2024-25!

Tichon (High School)

7th-12th graders stay engaged in Jewish learning and social life through our ALIYAH Tichon (high school) program on Wednesday evenings. Teens come for dinner together and stay for learning and conversation in classes that they choose and help decide.

This year’s program options:

  • Interfaith Interaction—creating connections through conversation and action projects with other religious minorities in Portland
  • Judaism Unpacked—take apart big Jewish ideas to discover a more personal and creative meaning
  • Time Travel: Jewish Culture & Crafts-— learn about the indigenous nature of Judaism and the ancient survival kit that has allowed us to thrive through millennia and across the map, and engage in hands-on projects such as crafts, tree-planting, and creative writing


Hebrew for Teens

With enough interest, we offer a Hebrew class for teens during or separate from Tichon; older teens are also welcome to join Machon Ivrit (modern Hebrew program for adults).


Wednesday Dinners

Wednesday evening dinners are a highlight of the week at CNS! Teens enjoy a low-cost family-friendly Kosher dinner buffet with options such as burrito bar, grilled cheese and tomato soup, or veggie stir-fry. Drop in or sign up for the year.


Teen Madrichim 

Up to 30 teens each year participate in a paid internship program, assisting our ALIYAH teachers in working with K-6th graders and gaining leadership skills through a teen leadership seminar.  We love our teen Madrichim!


Youth Activities 

We have a new, vibrant Youth Activities program for social, spiritual, and active connection. Monthly activities from Sukkot social action projects to Chanukah parties to Teen Talking circles. Reach out now to Sarah Rohr for more information:


Israel Scholarships

A teen trip to Israel is a transformative experience and we encourage our young adults to take advantage of the opportunity for travel during high school or gap year. CNS is proud to partner with the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland to offer scholarships through the Chai Israel program. All Jewish teens are eligible for funds through this program, and teens enrolled in Tichon receive an additional scholarship.

Contact Us to Learn More

Mel Berwin
Director of Congregational Learning
503-293-7306 | email

Lani Raider
Assistant Director of Congregational Learning
503-293-7309 | email

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