Event Calendar

Israel360: From Immigrant to Figurehead—the Journey of a Nigerian-Israeli Climate Activist

Virtual Event

Join us for an insightful conversation about a young immigrant’s journey across the world (from Portland, Oregon to Tel Aviv) to fight for a sustainable future through the nuances and challenges of the diaspora. Sharona will share her story about her heritage, environmental activism, and current navigation into her new life within Israel. There will also be time for questions and details about her upcoming projects. Presenter: Sharona Shnayder is a 21-year-old Nigerian-Israeli environmental activist ... Read More

“Inaugural” Whole-Group Tikkun Olam Committee Meeting: Part II

Virtual Event

Sunday, April 3 @5:00pm (PST) Please join us on Zoom for the second meeting of our reenergized Tikkun Olam Committee.  We will continue to discuss work we can do within our four focus leaves: Housing & Homelessness, Climate Justice, Immigrant, and Refugee Rights, Social Equity & Inclusion.   LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88297934574?pwd=K2tNbXRkT2tZVmtKNVA0UzhCQWlnZz09 Meeting ID: 882 9793 4574 Passcode: 192349