Event Calendar

Kabbalat Shabbat (Simcha Shabbat!)

Event Series Kabbalat Shabbat
Stampfer Chapel

Please join us for our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Friday evening service. Those with a birthday or anniversary in the month of Novemberwill receive a blessing by the clergy at this special service and a piece of cake after! We will still have our livestream option for those who choose. Click here for the order-of-service. Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service - usually in Stampfer Chapel)

Saturday Morning Shabbat Service

Event Series Saturday Morning Shabbat Service
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Every Saturday, 9:30am Please join us for our traditional weekly Shabbat morning service. Note this special service: Meditation Shabbat, 1st Saturdays Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service)

Kiddush Club

Event Series Kiddush Club
Room 102

Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.

Tot Shabbat

Event Series Tot Shabbat
Zidell Chapel

Tot Shabbat – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Zidell Chapel Experience the joy of Shabbat with this fun and engaging service for families with kids 5 and under. Enjoy singing, dancing, storytelling, and more! Followed by a kiddush lunch.

Shevet Jewish Meditation

Event Series Shevet Jewish Meditation
Stampfer Chapel

1st, 3rd, & 4th Saturdays of the month, 30 minutes after the end of Shabbat services (around 12:35pm), Stampfer Chapel All are welcome SHEVET is a new meditation group at Neveh Shalom, melding ancient and modern Jewish meditation practices with traditional awareness practices. Shevet is the Hebrew word for sitting. The same Hebrew root is also found in Shabbat, the day of rest, and the word for returning. As our awareness returns, like Shabbat, we are refreshed ... Read More

CNS PJ Havdallah in Chanukah Pajamas

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

CNS PJ Havdallah in Chanukah Pajamas December 7, 5:15pm Families 0-2nd Grade $36 per family Join us for some pre-Chanukah fun.  We’ll celebrate the end of Shabbat with Pizza, stories, crafts, music and fun.  https://members.nevehshalom.org/event/PJH1224

Youth Activities 3rd-5th grade Dinner and Havdallah

Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Youth Activities Presents- Grades 3-5 Dinner & Havdalah Saturday, December 7, 5:15-7:00pm Cost: $18 Grades 3-5 will gather for dinner and havdalah, get ready to jump with Jewish joy! Meet on the Plaza, by the Sanctuary doors RSVP here: https://members.nevehshalom.org/form/YA-grades-3-5-Dinner-and-Havdalah Questions? Contact Youth Engagement Specialist, Sarah Rohr srohr@nevehshalom.org

Morning Minyan

Event Series Morning Minyan
Zidell Chapel

Daily Morning Minyan – Meets in the Zidell Chapel and on Zoom. Monday-Friday: 7:15am start time (7am Rosh Chodesh) Sundays: 8:45am Office closure holidays: 9:00am Feel free to join us 15 minutes earlier for schmoozing. Morning Minyan meets in the Zidell Chapel Sunday-Friday. We also have the option of joining the minyan online. Click here to log in. Please email Priscilla Kostiner for further information: lamalo@comcast.net Use the book: Siddur Sim Shalom Shacharit Weekdays Click here for ... Read More

Cooking for Outside In

Event Series Cooking for Outside In
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Cooking for Outside In Sunday, November 10 & December 8, 12-2pm, Marla’s Kitchen Cook a meal to feed homeless teens. Contact: 8888octopus8888@gmail.com