Chag Sameach!
We are excited to welcome you to join us for our Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah celebrations.
Sukkot Happenings
October 9-16
Sukkot is the celebration of sacred time with its ties to nature, the Sukkah, and the successful conclusion of the High Holiday season. Please stay tuned for opportunities to gather with friends and community for food, prayer, study, conversation, and fun

Sukkah Build and Decoration
Sunday, October 9 – Build: 7:30-10:30am | Decorate: 10:30am-12pm
Men’s Club and Sisterhood are building and decorating the Sukkah, we would love you to come and participate with us. All are welcome to join either or both. If you would like to volunteer with building, contact zacharyhorowitz@hotmail.com. If you would like to volunteer for decorating, contact smallfryeterp@icloud.com.

Sunday, October 9
Erev Sukkot (no service)
Monday-Tuesday, October 10-11
9:30am: Sukkot Services (kiddush lunch to follow), Stampfer Chapel
Wednesday-Thursday, October 12-13
7:00am: Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service, Zoom (Thursday also in Zidell Chapel)
Friday, October 14
7:00am: Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service, Zoom
6:15pm: Friday Evening Festival Shabbat Service, Stampfer Chapel
Saturday, October 15
9:30am: Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service, Stampfer Chapel
Sunday, October 16
9:00am: Hoshana Rabah Service, Zidell Chapel
Hoshana Rabah comes toward the end of Sukkot. The ancient custom of beating willow branches at the conclusion of morning services pulls back the curtain on early Judaism and our land-based rituals. In a time of renewed environmental concerns, this unusual tradition has regained its relevance.
For all services in Stampfer Chapel, please click here for the livestream.

Our Sukkah is Your Sukkah: Drop-in
We welcome you to pack a brown bag/picnic-style lunch and gather with your family and friends in our sukkah on the Holzman Plaza. No registration needed.
Open dates and times:
- Monday, October 10, 5-8pm
- Wednesday, October 12, 12-2pm
- Thursday, October 13, 5-8pm
- Sunday, October 16, 12-2pm & 5-8pm

Neveh Shalom Youth (Grades K-2nd) Pizza and Games in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 9, 12:30pm-2pm, CNS Sukkah
Come join us at Neveh Shalom (after ALIYAH) for Pizza and games in the Sukkah. Our kids have asked for social time and this is the second of many events this year geared toward the shared nourishment of fun! Snacks will be provided for adults as well. This program is free to K-2nd grade families. Contact srohr@nevehshalom.org, if you have questions!

CNS Young Adults Happy Hour in the Sukkah
Erev Sukkot, Sunday, October 9th, 5:00pm
Connect with CNS clergy and other CNS Young Adults (ages 21-35) as we welcome Sukkot with appetizers and drinks. Registration required.

Thoughts on Home: Rabbi Kosak Reflects on his Sabbatical
Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 12:30pm, Stampfer Chapel
Congregants of all ages are invited to join CNS Wondering Jews as Rabbi Kosak reflects on what he did and learned during Sabbatical.
This presentation will follow Sukkot Day 2 services and Kiddush Lunch in the sukkah. You are encouraged to join us for services, Kiddush Lunch, and program:
- 9:30am Sukkot Day 2 Services, Stampfer Chapel
- 11:30am Kiddush Luncheon, Sukkah
- 12:30pm Thoughts On Home During Sukkot, Stampfer Chapel
Questions? Contact lrichmond@nevehshalom.org.

Men’s Club and Sisterhood evening in the Sukkah
Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 6:00pm
Join Men’s Club and Sisterhood in celebrating Sukkot. We will be having a Mediterranean-themed (think mezze) potluck dairy meal. We hope to have a lot of options (baba ghanooj, tabouli, hummus, stuffed vegetarian grape leaves, salads, pitas & other breads, etc). For those that can bring more of a “main dish” (falafels, spanakopita, mujudara, etc), that would be most appreciated.
Contact: Zachary Horowitz zacharyhorowitz@hotmail.com or
Michelle Iimori-Goldenberg smallfryeterp@icloud.com

Wise Women Brown Bag Lunch in the Sukkah
Thursday, October 13, 2022, 12:15pm
To Women, wise or not! Join us.
We hope you will join us for our Sukkot Wise Women brown-bag lunch – a casual opportunity for the women of CNS to come together to connect, share laughs, and empower one another – this time, in the CNS Sukkah on Holzman Plaza! Open to all ages and stages, this is a great chance to foster friendship within our kehillah. Pack a lunch and join us!

Teen Gathering in the Sukkah – Note Updated Program Details
Sat, Oct 15, 7:00pm, CNS Sukkah and Room 102
CNS Teens (7th-12th grade) are invited to join us at the Neveh Shalom Sukkah for Havdallah, yummy treats, an opportunity to hear renowned Jewish musician (and congregant) Stephen Nance, and to participate in social justice activity. We will be joined by Tivnu and teens from Congregation Beth Shalom in Seattle.
If you are a Camp Solomon Schechter camper- some of the Seattle teens joining us may be friends you already know. Masks are required for indoor activities.
Contact srohr@nevehshalom.org, if you have questions!
Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
The strength of the Jewish family depends on an intergenerational covenant of mutual concern. One way we demonstrate that is at Yizkor services, when we reflect on those who came before us. This is a powerful moment to replenish our memories and our love of those we have lost.

Monday, October 17
9:30am Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Service
Simchat Torah
October 17-18
Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of Torah readings and the beginning of a new cycle.

Young Family Erev Simchat Torah Program
Monday, October 17, 5:15pm
Young families are invited to join us for a very special Simchat Torah program, specific for our younger friends. After this program, you can stick around for the community-wide celebration.

Erev Simchat Torah: A Celebration
Monday, October 17, 6:00pm Dinner | 6:30pm Service
After a month of holidays, we’re celebrating the renewal of the Torah at Erev Simchat Torah with Cantor Bitton and a live band. The service and band are free and open to the community. Families are welcome! Cost for dinner: $18/adults, $12/kids; $54/family max.

Tuesday, October 18
9:30am: Simchat Torah Morning Service