Oasis Songs: Musings from Rav D
Friday, September 9, 2022 / 13 Elul 5782
Summary: This year, I am changing the format of Oasis Songs for the month of Elul. Traditionally, this month has been used as spiritual preparation for the Yamim Noraim, our Jewish High Holidays. My intentions for these Elul reflections were to focus on a quote from a notable Jewish figure. With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, it seems worthwhile to mark her passing with some of her own words, appropriate for this period of preparation. Some of her most profound comments came from her annual Christmas broadcasts. While I wish she had made a Chanukah broadcast, her wisdom from 2019 is still valuable!
Reading Time: One minute
“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” – Queen Elizabeth II
Most of us learned early on to measure our success by the standards of school. While there is a big difference between an 89 and a 90 on a report card, there is no difference between a 90 and a 91. How silly! We are the country of the big gesture and supersized beverages, yet in life, we are always at the 89 mark. All of our small positive gestures tilt the scales in our wellness, our relationships, and our knowledge. Like the ripples caused by a small pebble, once we understand how powerful our smallest actions are, we can go through life with a more hopeful and positive attitude. Maimonides, writing to us from the twelfth century, says that we must view ourselves and the entire world as if we are on a perfectly balanced beam or seesaw. Each of our actions can impact all of creation. What one action will you take today?
Shabbat shalom,
Rav D
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