Line of Sight

You can only look for blessings in curses for so long until you stop and think . . . is this the best use of my time? Should I be spinning my wheels trying to find some good in a bad situation or should I make my own good situation?

The Fire of Hate, The Light of Love

Our eyes and hearts have been transfixed on Charlottesville. Our minds have reeled at the government response, at our president’s flip flopping from silence, to condemnation to equivocation. Watching the candlelight vigil held in Charlottesville, one couldn’t help but be shocked by the many forms fire takes.

Seeking Sadness – Parshat Re’eh 5777

Do you know anyone who’s only happy when they’re miserable? It’s a bit of a paradox; happy and miserable are opposites. “Happy” in this sense really means emotionally fulfilled. I went to a therapist when I was a teenager, and apparently she saw this tendency in me. It’s true – I used to look for the bad so I would have something to be complain about.

Antlions and Gerbils, Oh My!

Last night, Dr. Uri Shanas presented at this month’s Israel360 event. He’s a renowned Israeli zoologist whose focus is on how humans impact and change the natural world (anthropogenics).  He spoke primarily of his work with Jordanians in the Arava valley.

Room to Grow – Parshat Eikev 5777

As the older sister in my family, I was lucky to get the brand new kid clothes; the hand-me-downs went to my younger sister and younger cousin. This was the case pretty much up until I was in middle school. In fact, when my sister was a toddler, she actually thought that “going shopping” meant going into our basement to get the next size up box of clothes.

Life is with Other People: Two Vignettes from a Day

Last night, I met one of our oldest congregants. It seemed appropriate since this evening we are celebrating folks who have been part of the Neveh Shalom family for more than twenty five years. And Jack Lakefish won’t be able to attend. So I visited at his home in southeast. Jack is 99. As it turns out, he’ll turn a hundred on Yom Kippur.

Sinai Moments – Parshat Vaetchanan 5777

For me, all of my “Sinai moments” are tied in some way to family. If you’ve never considered your own Sinai moments before, the idea is fairly self-explanatory. These are events in your life which carry a certain power or splendor, akin to the feeling Moshe and the Israelites might have had upon receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.