Heart Candy – Why We Need the Messiah

We all know the phrase eye candy. It means something that is superficially pleasing, whether that is a movie, a sunset or a person. I like to call the television shows I watch while on the exercise bike “eye candy.” They are a treat which makes an otherwise repetitive task more enjoyable.

Louder and Louder – Parshat Yitro 5780

Some lessons in life resonate long after we’ve walked through the original experience. They don’t fade away with the gift of time; instead, they continue to push their way into our daily existence. The Torah, in a way, plays the same role as those phrases.

Climbing Our Mountains: Remembering Kirk

Most American Jews have some sort of story or connection to Israel. Some are ardent Zionists and recognize how miraculous the return to our ancient homeland is. Others have traveled there once or twice, on their own personal pilgrimage.

On My Own – Parshat Beshalach 5780

The Song of the Sea is a call to all of us to find that moment when we can sing out in God’s glory. Obviously we’re not all going to literally have a sea split and walk through it, but each and every one of us is likely to experience some moment of awe in our lives if we pay attention long enough.

God, Gematria and the Super Bowl

On the global and national stage, it has been quite a week. The Trump administration released its long delayed Middle Eastern peace plan. The Senate, meanwhile, proceeded with its role in the impeachment proceedings.

Distance Yourself – Parshat Bo 5780

I have a love-hate relationship with Passover. This isn’t because of the cooking, cleaning, separate dishes, or any other preparation. But because Passover only comes once a year, past holidays stick out in my memory, and all the emotional baggage attached to them.

A Sheloshim Celebration

This Sunday, we will mark the close of Rabbi Joshua Stampfer’s sheloshim with an evening of prayer, music and learning. I don’t know about you, but for me it seems like a year since he passed and also just like yesterday. Our experience of time is so elastic like that—and so are the emotions, thoughts and activities that have accompanied so many of us over these past 30 days.