Nomadic Loyalties: LeBron and Abraham

There’s something about being new in a place. It takes a while to get settled and learn the figurative lay of the land. Many professional athletes often endure a semi-nomadic existence. Spend a few years in one place, then pack up your tent as you seek greener pastures. This is the week Jews read parshat Lekh L’kha, where Abraham and his entourage do just that.

You Do You – Parshat Lech Lecha 5779

Every morning my daughter’s preschool class begins with free play. There are options to play blocks, or draw, build or explore. Nine times out of ten, though, Shiri is playing dress up. Sometimes the outfits are hilarious, with as many layers piled on as she can put on her body. Other times she’s a doctor, a waitress, a princess, or a mommy.

Survivor Guilt – Parshat Noach 5779

Survivor guilt (sometimes called survivor syndrome) is a term that describes feelings of guilt that result from a person believing they have done something wrong by surviving a tragic event which other people did not survive.


In a country that is already deeply polarized, we all witnessed those divisions writ ever larger. The level of rancor, certainty, self-righteousness and outright name-calling that has appeared in the press, online media and television news has been stunning. It has come from all sides and all camps. Much of our national discourse has been reduced to a mobbish low and reasoned considerations have been lacking.

And It Was Enough – Parshat Bereshit 5779

Do you ever have those moments when you feel like you’re going nonstop and still not getting it all done? That definitely happens to me – those days when I wonder if I’m giving enough of myself to my job, to my family, to my husband, to me. And even if I’m able to check things off the to-do list, I feel defeated, thinking nothing is quite as great as I wanted it to be.