Good Grief – Parshat Chayei Sarah 5779

Do you ever feel completely wiped out? Sometimes I feel so bone tired and knocked down, I could just sleep for hours. Bear in mind I say “hours” and not “days” because I’m a parent of young children who still wake up weekly in the middle of the night, so the luxury of consecutive hours of sleep sounds beautifully restorative.

Civility is Not Enough Anymore

Because even when we are committed to comport ourselves in a respectful manner, the best of us still stumble. None of us get this right. Even if our public behavior is exemplary, we might find that our thoughts remain a jumble of rage.

Sugar Coated – Parshat Vayera 5779

For some reason keeping comments to myself doesn’t come naturally to me. Do I have a filter? Yes. Do I use it as often as I should? That depends on who you ask. Throughout my life, I’ve had to work hard to say the right thing at the right time, or at least keep the snarky and inappropriate thoughts silent.

Nomadic Loyalties: LeBron and Abraham

There’s something about being new in a place. It takes a while to get settled and learn the figurative lay of the land. Many professional athletes often endure a semi-nomadic existence. Spend a few years in one place, then pack up your tent as you seek greener pastures. This is the week Jews read parshat Lekh L’kha, where Abraham and his entourage do just that.

You Do You – Parshat Lech Lecha 5779

Every morning my daughter’s preschool class begins with free play. There are options to play blocks, or draw, build or explore. Nine times out of ten, though, Shiri is playing dress up. Sometimes the outfits are hilarious, with as many layers piled on as she can put on her body. Other times she’s a doctor, a waitress, a princess, or a mommy.