Friends and Neighbors – Parshat Balak 5778

Having recently gone through the process of renovating and expanding our house, I am all too familiar with city ordinances, HOA requirements, and the laws surrounding what I can and cannot do to my property. A lot of thought and energy goes into city and neighborhood planning.

The Windows of Our Soul

Last Sunday, congregant Julie Welch sent me the following email: “I was in a Kabbalat Shabbat service a few weeks ago where the feeling of kavanah was very strong. It made me think of being transported by prayer. My next thought was "where would these prayers take me?" I thought about it some more on the way home and here are some of my answers.” We’ll get back to Julie’s answers in a few moments.

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, June 22-23, 2018

Recording from Shabbat Services, June 22-23, 2018 D’var from Friday, June 22, 2018 – Rabbi David Kosak   D’var from Saturday, June 23, 2018 – Rabbi Rob Kahn   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

Living Room Shabbat and The Tradition of Change

Tonight is the launch of Living Room Shabbat! Can you tell that I am excited? As the name suggests, Stampfer chapel has been set up with plush sofas and tables (a hint to the wise--if you want a couch, come early). We’ll make kiddush together at the beginning of the service, and then people will be free to enjoy light snacks or a beverage during the service. Let me also invite you to wear comfortable and relaxing clothes.

Israelites Behaving Badly – Parshat Chukat 5778

Amy McCready, the author who created the Positive Parenting Solutions resources, suggests that the real reason children misbehave is not out of defiance. To parents, it may seem like opposition for the sake of opposition, but the underlying reason, according to McCready, is about the need for belonging and significance.

Moses the Gentle Master

Have you ever been falsely accused of some action or belief of which you are innocent? Has your reputation been besmirched for someone else’s benefit? Or perhaps you were leading people in an important direction that frightened those who were meant to follow--and so they attacked you to derail your efforts?