Rice and Beans and Mustard Seeds, Oh My!

Over the last number of weeks, both in my weekly column and in our Passover Guide, we've included links to some halakhic legal decisions that permit Ashkenazic Jews to eat kitniot on Pesach. While those decisions are quite informative, they also vary in complexity.

You’re Famous – Parshat Shmini 5776

One problem with instant celebrity is that there is no adjustment period. It’s, well, instant. How can we possibly expect anyone who has gained power and influence overnight to wield it appropriately? With the speed of communication and spread of ideas we now enjoy, one day an amateur musician might record herself to share a song with friends on YouTube, and the next day find herself inundated with contract offers and demanding fans.

For the Love of God: Why We Sell Chametz

Judaism is the living expression of the Jewish people's encounter with Torah and how we responded to that encounter over the generations. Some of that interchange can be found in history books. More often, the history of that interaction is recorded in our legal tradition. The selling of hametz is one such example.