My Mother’s Umbrella: Reflections on Mother’s Day

As we approach Mother’s Day, I imagine that we all have images and memories through which we can re-experience the love we received from our mothers. Here’s one among many. I played soccer for eight years, and mom was there at virtually all the games—the only times she couldn’t make it was when I was on the travel team. Apart from those, it didn’t matter what the weather was like.

Soup or Salad

If you had to pick a food metaphor to define humans, and your only choices were soup or salad (or maybe a plate of raw vegetables), which would you pick? Are we more like a soup or more like a salad?

Save a Life, Save a World

JoAnn Bezodis is a long-time member of our community and a member of our staff; she also has a granddaughter who needs our help. One of twin girls, Jojo was born prematurely with “multiple serious genetic anomalies.” Her diagnosis and prognosis are presented below.

A Calendar of Hope

I have been reflecting on different aspects of hope. Last week, I shared with you the connection between unprocessed trauma, and how it can make us feel unready to hope. Students of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict see that play out.

The Freedom of Hope

Have you ever found yourself refusing to hope? Maybe after a big break up or the loss of a job? Perhaps after the death of a loved one?

A Short Passover Message from Rav D

For most of us, this is a busy day as we finish our shopping and preparations for Pesach. As with last year, our celebrations will most likely be adjusted for this year of pandemic. There’s a way in which we can embrace those changes as a normal part of Jewish history and personal experience.