How a Virus Tried to Hijack My Son’s Bar Mitzvah

I am writing today’s Oasis Song as a rabbi, a father and a spouse, and with Laura’s input as well. As you well know, this Saturday is our son Amitai’s bar mitzvah. For any family, this is a cherished milestone, tinged with so many powerful emotions. Pride in a child’s accomplishment and how they are growing up so quickly.

The Other Primary Results

While the Israel360 lecture was going on, a great many other people were at home, glued to their television sets for the ninth Democratic primary debate, held in Nevada. But there’s another election going on, which I’ve previously talked about here, and that is the World Zionist Congress Elections.

Heart Candy – Why We Need the Messiah

We all know the phrase eye candy. It means something that is superficially pleasing, whether that is a movie, a sunset or a person. I like to call the television shows I watch while on the exercise bike “eye candy.” They are a treat which makes an otherwise repetitive task more enjoyable.

Climbing Our Mountains: Remembering Kirk

Most American Jews have some sort of story or connection to Israel. Some are ardent Zionists and recognize how miraculous the return to our ancient homeland is. Others have traveled there once or twice, on their own personal pilgrimage.