Just Say Yes – Parshat Bamidbar 5783

Why is it that so many of our asks as parents are met with arguments from our children? This week’s parshah may serve as a helpful reminder to parents that eventually children will recognize the limits and expectations we set for them and understand that the decisions we make are out of love.

Circle of Support – Parshat Behar-Bechukotai 5783

The community you make is up to you. You set your priorities by who you connect with, and the important thing is simply recognizing the most immediate need around you first. This week’s double portion reminds us that our innermost circle of support is just one of many ways that we provide for each other.

Uncommon Cold – Parshat Tazria-Metzora 5783

Illness doesn’t mean that you’re somehow morally flawed; it means that we have work to do to bring healing. As we read this week’s double portion, we’re reminded just how important it is to be both aware of our own bodies and respectful enough of others to keep our fellow community members safe.

To Be Cared For – Parshat Tzav 5783

Caring for one another - whether parent to child, child to parent, friend to friend, congregant to clergy - is a way in which we humanize, connect, and lift up those close to us. This act of mutual care appears throughout our Torah, but is poignantly described in our portion this week.