Event Calendar
Downstairs Minyan
Zidell Chapel2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays, 9:30am* A lay-led alternate Shabbat service followed by a Kiddush lunch and singing of z’mirot. Interested in leading a part of the service or reading Torah? Contact: downstairsminyan@gmail.com. Click here to join via Zoom. *When there is no Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special Shabbat programming, Downstairs Minyan will join the main service at 9:30am.
Saturday Morning Shabbat Service
Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, PortlandEvery Saturday, 9:30am Please join us for our traditional weekly Shabbat morning service. Note this special service: Meditation Shabbat, 1st Saturdays Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service)