Parenting by the Parshah – V’zot Habrachah

Can you believe we’ve reached the end of the Torah already? And the final parshah, V’zot Habracha, which is a helpful reminder to look back on all the blessings of the previous year, is also the perfect transition to my next video series. Later this year, we’ll begin a new journey together called Birkat Hashanah, in which we’ll be talking about blessings for all seasons and times in our lives. See you soon!

A Monarchy of Maybes

The King of Thailand died. King Bhumibol Adulyadej had been the world's longest reigning monarchy, a distinction that now goes to Queen Elizabeth II. That's the sort of piece of news I would have quickly noted, then turned my attention elsewhere. Except that on Wednesday, Laura was in a networking group for her life coaching services.

My Rock – Parshat Ha’azinu 5777

In times of trouble we often hear people talk about their “rock,” that person who stood by them as they weathered the storm that was upon them. It could have been any number of qualities that were helpful in that time of need. Your rock might have been someone who didn’t falter, was always positive, or always open-armed.

The Song That Keeps Playing

Ismar Schorsch was the previous Chancellor of JTS. He was a learned rabbi, and while he lived, I'm embarrassed to say that sometimes I found his teachings too academic or too source driven. At the time, his Torah left me dry. But you know, people improve over time--primarily as we do; and as we do, we can see them more clearly.

Write On – Parshat Vayelech 5777

One of my favorite parts of the week is writing these little d’vrei Torah for you. Good thing I became a rabbi, right? The act of sitting with an open chumash, reading the parshah, and thinking about how these ancient words can be relevant and thought-provoking for today excites me.