Pop Up Community, Our Family Camping Trip and 9/11

Laura and I were recently driving west on Beaverton Hillsdale Highway when we saw it. The old Pier One had relocated, and in its place was a Halloween store. It seemed so incongruous. The temperature was in the nineties and summer seemed reluctant to go. Or maybe I'm the one who is reluctant to let summer go. Regardless, in just a couple of months, kids will be trick or treating.

Raining Cats and Dogs – Parshat Eikev 5776

Like many children, when I was growing up I had a chore chart. I received monetary compensation for doing small jobs around the house like making my bed, getting the mail, and putting away my laundry. One special responsibility of mine was taking care of our family pet.

Parenting by the Parshah – Eikev

If you take a toy to the potty with you, there’s a chance it will fall in. The lessons that stick with us are the ones in which we can experience (and be reminded of) real consequences. This too is Torah.