Out of the Mouths of Babes

Sephardic Adventure Camp (SAC), which was founded in the 1940's, is one of the oldest Jewish camps in the Northwest. It was created by members of two Seattle congregations to preserve the unique culture of Sephardic Jews while offering their children a rich camp experience. Anyone who has attended a Jewish summer camp knows the power it has to build a life-long Jewish identity and happy memories.

Stops Along the Way – Parshat Matot-Masei 5776

Duncan and I love taking road trips. For us, the stops along the way are equally as exciting as the final destination. When we traveled pre-children, we would simply leave with a destination in mind and an amount of time we had to get there. We’d stop when we were tired or if we happened upon a fun diversion.

Tim Who Makes a Path Through the Woods

As a boy, I was fascinated by the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Appleseed was more than just a mythological piece of Americana--he was a real person named John Chapman who helped ensure the availability of apples around the country. Chapman became renowned while still alive for his kindness and his commitment to conservation long before its popularization.

Count Off – Parshat Pinchas 5776

When I worked in the day school world and we’d take the kids on a field trip, we had to keep track of the group throughout each portion of the excursion. That meant taking attendance about 100 times (at least it felt like that many). We’d check to see if we were all there when we got on the bus, when we arrived at a destination, and then when we got back on the bus (and in the evening and morning for overnight trips).