Goodbye Mr. Kasich: A Meditation on Politics, Prayerlife and the Transformative Power of Dialogue Through a Systems Lens

On Monday, February 22nd, I woke with a tremendous sense of foreboding and dread. That was the day when I finally understood that Donald Trump had a very strong chance of becoming the next president of the United States. Up until that point, like so many others, I underestimated his candidacy, thought it was a bit of a farce, and couldn't imagine he would obtain the Republican nomination.

The Never Ending Story

Our first sedarim (seders) here in Portland were wonderful and each had a distinct and touching individuality. As wonderful as they were, I still inevitably think about the seders of my childhood. My grandparents crammed a horseshoe of tables into their dining room, which allowed them to magically fit more than forty people into their modest middle-class home.