Dystopian History, Utopian Celebration

Most of us know that the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. Tonight, however, is Rosh Hodesh Hanukkah, and each new Jewish month is marked by a new moon. So between the short day and a dim night sky, tonight may well be the darkest night of the year.

A Time to Mourn – Parshat Veyeshev 5776

If you have some knowledge of the medical world, you may know that septic shock isn’t something you typically bounce back from. My mourning process for my father started when it became clear that he was not going to survive this attack to his vital systems.

On Miracles and Hate: Hanukkah 5776

I’m not ready for Hanukkah. By that, I don’t mean that I got a late start shopping for gifts. I don’t mean that I lost my Nana’s latke recipe. What I mean is, how can I possibly go into a holiday of light and miracles when everything in the news is darkness and hate?