We Are The Dreamers – Parshat Vayeitzei 5776

Some mornings I wake up confused as to whether the dream I just had was actually a dream or part of real life. There’s nothing more terrifying than waking up thinking you’ve flunked your high school final or you’ve missed a big deadline at work.

Terror, Turkeys and Pots and Pans

I am sure many of our hearts are still heavy from last week’s gruesome attacks in Paris, and yesterday’s heartrending attacks in Israel. To be a citizen of the world poses many challenges to us. How do we remain open to horror that occurs halfway around the world when it sometimes seems that this is all the news brings us? How do we place it in some sort of proper perspective? How do we keep ... Read More

I Sound Like My Mother – Parshat Toldot 5776

“Apparently I’m becoming my mother.” I said these words out loud a few weeks ago. The more I get into this mom thing, the more I hear myself echoing the words – and taking the actions – of my parents. From giving Shiri baths with colored water, to the silly songs we sing in the morning and while getting ready for bedtime, it’s like my childhood all over again.

Of War and the Spirit: As Paris Burns

I'd like to share two occasions in which I took part this past week. The first was a family outing to the Oregon Historical Society on Veteran's Day. There was a powerful display on World War II and on the American "propaganda" posters of both world wars. I was moved by both, given hope and also saddened.

At First Sight – Parshat Chayei Sarah 5776

You hear that parenting changes your life completely, but obviously it’s a different feeling for every parent.  Over two years ago as Duncan and I prepared to welcome Shiri into our lives, we knew we were about to experience something intensely emotional, like nothing we’d ever experienced before.