A Balancing Act – Parshat Pinchas 5775

You know those movies that tell multiple independent stories and then bring them together at the end? There’s a teenage romance, a community golf tournament, and a jewelry store that’s filing for bankruptcy. It’s not until the last third of the movie that you find out the teenage boy’s family owns the jewelry store, and the teenage girl’s grandfather is a retired pro golfer who rescues the other family by buying the jewelry store and turning it into a golf shop.

e-Chronicle for July-August 2015

The E-Chronicle has arrived!  View the July-August 2015 issue of Neveh Shalom’s Chronicle    There is a lot happening at Neveh Shalom, and we want you to be a part of it all. Check out the inserts for upcoming events and opportunities for your participation. Check our our summer events! Machon Ivrit is back this Fall! Don’t forget to RSVP for Back to Shul  As always, please support our loyal advertisers! If you are having ... Read More