The Secret of Jewish Survival

At a recent dinner I attended, our two rabbis emeritus discussed what Jewish life in Oregon was like 150 years ago. Those early settlers were courageous pioneers, and rabbis were hard to come by for a new congregation. Despite difficult beginnings, our ancestors built a home for future generations of Portland Jews.

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, January 19, 2019

Recording from Shabbat Services, January 19, 2019 D’var from Saturday, January 19, 2019 – Rabbi David Kosak   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, January 18, 2019

Recording from Shabbat Services, January 18, 2019 D’var from Friday, January 18, 2019 – Rabbi David Kosak   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

On the Beat: My Day as a Cop

This past Wednesday, I spent the day at Portland’s police academy. This six hour simulation placed senior clergy in the police training facility located in northeast Portland. This day of training that I attended was part of a program entitled “One Cop” which is short for “one congregation, one precinct.”

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, January 12, 2019

Recording from Shabbat Services, January 12, 2019 D’var from Saturday, January 12, 2019 – Rabbi Eve Posen   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, January 11, 2019

Recording from Shabbat Services, January 11, 2019 D’var from Friday, January 11, 2019 – Rabbi David Kosak   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

Shut Down in Darkness – Parshat Bo 5779

I usually avoid straying into overtly political territory in my weekly writings. I tend to stick to moral issues that might allude to the current political scene, but rarely do I actively condemn or condone. However, the story of the government shutdown/standoff over the proposed border wall has been in front of us every day since the end of the year, and it’s increasingly difficult to ignore.