How Lucky You Are – Parshat Vaetchanan 5778

There are countless conversations I’ve had with people in generations before me about how lucky I am to live in the world today, and I feel similarly about my kids’ lives. It seems that every new generation has certain things easier and faster.

Shabbat Service Recordings: D’var Torah, July 21, 2018

Recording from Shabbat Services, July 21, 2018 D’var from Saturday, July 21, 2018 – Rabbi David Kosak   *If you would like to download the recording and listen later, right click on the link then click “Save as” and it will save onto your computer for later listening. Recorded and edited by Ed Kraus. Click here for an archive of past recordings

Feeling Israel

Emotion matters. It’s elemental really. If stars use fusion for their energy, humans use emotion. It activates us. It helps us overcome inertia, and that is essential whenever what you have now is not what you want in the future. Emotion energizes change.

Creatures of Habit – Parshat Devarim 5778

A few year ago, the summer before Matan was born, we bought a new couch. Our old couch was still in great condition, but we expected, and rightly so, that a larger couch would better suit the needs of our growing family. We went and sat on many couches looking for the right balance of child friendly, clean lines, adequate seating, and comfort. We settled on a couch that was a sectional and included a chaise lounge.

Oasis Song: A Video Message from Israel

Shalom. I am presently on a rabbinic mission to Israel and will return on July 20th. During this journey I have been meeting with Palestinian and Israeli leaders as they deepen my own understanding of what home means to each population. Below is a video message I recorded for you from the Holy Land.