Of War and the Spirit: As Paris Burns

I'd like to share two occasions in which I took part this past week. The first was a family outing to the Oregon Historical Society on Veteran's Day. There was a powerful display on World War II and on the American "propaganda" posters of both world wars. I was moved by both, given hope and also saddened.

At First Sight – Parshat Chayei Sarah 5776

You hear that parenting changes your life completely, but obviously it’s a different feeling for every parent.  Over two years ago as Duncan and I prepared to welcome Shiri into our lives, we knew we were about to experience something intensely emotional, like nothing we’d ever experienced before.

Of Divestment, Israel and First Impressions

The December 2015 issue of Psychology Today has an interesting article about the science of first impressions. Among the striking findings is an argument that we humans have only developed the tools to "read people" over the last 13,000 years. Before the advent of agriculture and larger human settlements, we all lived in smaller tribal units where everyone was known.

God’s Mission Statement

Failure is unavoidable. The news media depend on this for their content, and we all know too well what our personal failings are. Most of us also don't enjoy the feeling of failure. Yet given its prevalence, and our continued survival as a species, failure seems essential for us as well. Why is that?

Leading By Example – Parshat Vayera 5776

As a parent I am often reminded that there are always little eyes and ears watching and listening to my every move. Shiri wants to do everything we do, from my marching in place when I’m trying to get in a few extra steps for the day on my Fitbit, to eating the foods she sees us eating, to the way in which she models me on my phone.