The Defect of Our Souls and Our Eyes All Alive

It’s a misleading title, “The Defect of Our Souls.” As though we each have only one! Still, I think our defects can teach us remarkable things. In many ways, they can be our guides. The Jewish tradition has a term for such shortcomings. A p’gam is a defect or blemish, while something that is pagum is defective. For example, in the Jewish legal tradition, a kos pagum is a defective cup. It refers to a glass of wine or juice from which someone has already drunk.

Say Something – D’var Torah

Just this week we observed Yom HaShoah, the day of remembrance of those who perished at the hands of the Nazis. Some news outlets mentioned the results of a recent survey conducted about the Holocaust. You may have seen it referenced online. This survey was commissioned by the Conference  on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, and it looked at the awareness of the Holocaust in the United States.

Myths, Fairy Tales and Tackling Evil

Last night, Amitai and I concluded our pretty long-lasting bonding experience--watching all six seasons of Grimm to the grand finale. Yes, the series ended a year ago, but in the age of streaming that hardly matters. For those not familiar with the television series, Grimm was set--and primarily filmed--in our beloved city of Portland. It was based, rather loosely, on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.

Eating My Feelings – Parshat Shemini 5778

Don’t think me morbid, but some of my most vivid memories of sitting shiva with my family are all about the food. We ate chocolate covered potato chips at my Zayde’s shiva. At my Nana’s shiva we found chocolate covered, peanut butter wrapped cherries in her freezer that she’d made, so we ate those.