Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
Beginning of new Hebrew month of Cheshvan
Beginning of new Hebrew month of Cheshvan
Every Saturday, 9:30am Please join us for our traditional weekly Shabbat morning service. Note this special service: Meditation Shabbat, 1st Saturdays Click here to join the live stream (Choose the location of that particular week's service)
Kiddush Club (K-3rd Grade) – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Room 102 Join us for Kiddush Club with Morah Sarah Rohr or Gershon Liberman. We are excited to be meeting in person! We hope you will join us.
Tot Shabbat – 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am, Zidell Chapel Experience the joy of Shabbat with this fun and engaging service for families with kids 5 and under. Enjoy singing, dancing, storytelling, and more! Followed by a kiddush lunch.