Oasis Songs: Musings from Rav D
Friday, July 29, 2022 / 1 Av 5782
Summary: This week, in lieu of a separate column, I want to personally invite you to Sunday’s commemoration.
Reading Time: One minute
20 Years On: The Lessons of Terror and Extremism, Then and Now
Sunday, July 31, 4:00-6:00pm (In-person program), FREE
This July 31st marks the twentieth anniversary of a Hamas attack on the Frank Sinatra Cafeteria at Hebrew University. Nine people died in that bombing, including David (Diego) Ladowski, who was a friend of Cantor Bitton. Janis Coulter, Marla Bennett, and Ben Blutstein also were murdered that day; In addition to the nine who died, scores of people were injured. I was one of them, sitting five meters from where the bomb exploded.
Please join Cantor Bitton and me, along with Rebecca Federman and Justin Finkelstein (who will join us remotely) – who are experts on extremism and terror in America and Israel – for a special event commemorating this attack and gleaning lessons that apply today.
Read more in the latest Jewish Review.
Click here to reserve your place
I hope to see you there.
Shabbat shalom,
Rav D
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