Jackpot – Parshat Ki Tissa 5776

The excitement over the recent $1.5 billion lottery jackpot now seems like a distant memory. I probably don’t need to confirm this for you, but sadly, I did not win. Still, in my fantasy scenario, the money would have been spent on paying off my rabbinical school debt, setting aside money for my children’s future, some charitable donations to help offset the cost of Jewish education in the community, and a little left over to enjoy as I travelled the world and pursued my passions.

Finding Common Ground by Mastering Our Fears

Yesterday I had the privilege of addressing the state Senate and offering some non-sectarian words of prayer before the floor session began. Let me publicly thank my friend and Neveh member, Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward for inviting me to give that invocation. It was also my first time in Salem, and I was grateful to explore our state capitol building a bit.

Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof: Justice You Shall Pursure

This past week one of our most influential legal minds vanished from the scene. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's legacy, however, seems poised to endure. His theory of constitutional originalism (we determine what the Constitution means based on the Framers' original intentions in composing a section of the Constitution), and the more circumspect and modest role for the judiciary that results from this vantage point, has been tremendously impactful.

As a Seal Upon Your Heart – Parshat Tetzaveh 5776

My wedding band is inscribed with the words “As a seal upon your heart” in Hebrew. Originally from Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), this verse on my finger serves as a daily reminder in several ways. When Duncan and I were ring shopping, I wanted the “plain gold band” we’d need for the ceremony to also be one that we both felt comfortable wearing every day.